Get Server Encryption Public Keys

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Request Example

Response Documents Structure

XML response.

JSON response.

XML Response Structure

<drweb-avdesk-api api_version="4.1.3" timestamp="1395909195" server="" srv_version="" status="true">


<key id="b0b84fcf-d11d-b211-8294-9804ba761cde">


<file>; Dr.Web (R) Public key file ; Do not edit! b0b84fcf-d11d-b211-...45DAD9 ; ***EOF*** </file>




Description of XML Response Parameters

The <keys /> element contains information on all public encryption keys of the Server.

The <key /> element contains information on a specific public encryption key.

The <key /> element attributes:




Identifier of a public encryption key

The <value /> element value is the public encryption key itself.

The <file /> element value contains the full content of the public encryption key file.

JSON Response Structure

{   "head": {

      "status": true,

      "timestamp": 1395908750,

      "api": {

          "version": 40103


      "server": {

          "name": "",

          "version": 1000201707130,

          "uuid": "1023dcd7-d11d-b211-896d-8804c0842edb"



  "data": {

      "keys": [


              "uuid": "b0b84fcf-d11d-b211-8294-9804ba761cde",

              "value": "871036BC06104...FE45DAD9",

              "file": "; Dr.Web (R) Public key file\n; Do not edit!\nb0b84fcf-d11d-b211-8294-9804ba761cde\n87103...45DAD9\n; ***EOF***\n",

              "active": true





Description of JSON Response Parameters

The keys array contains information on all public encryption keys of the Server.

The keys block elements:

Field name



Identifier of a public encryption key


the public encryption key itself


full content of the public encryption key file


If its value is set to true, then encryption key is currently active, and if set to false, then it is not active