Delete Objects from Quarantine

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Request Parameters





Object in the Quarantine.

This parameter can be defined in the request several times to delete several objects from the Quarantine at a time.


Returned errors

1.If the Quarantine is disabled at the Server, the script returns the following error:

code = 144

message ='Quarantine is disabled on Server'

2.If the Quarantine is not available at the station, the script returns the following error:

code = 145

message ='Quarantine is unavailable'

Request Example

From the returned XML on the Get the Quarantine State request, take the following parameters:

<object> = F165CBF1C530C32147A070211842E753CE9104B4C3A7F1A74FE1B83BF8BDA5F0

<station_id> = 50393916-d21d-b211-a829-e404ce518192

<q_time> = 1395854422

For the request to restore object from the Quarantine, the object parameter is formed like the following: <object>:<station_id>:<q_time>.

In the result, you have the following request:

Response Documents Structure

XML response.

JSON response.

XML Response Structure

<drweb-avdesk-api api_version="4.1.3" timestamp="1395903398" server="" srv_version="" status="true"><items>

<object status="initiated">F626C7CDE008280A2893C1DFB16707890E089AFD264002DEECD8E86417C327C1:50393916-d21d-b211-a829-e404ce518192:1395854429</object>

<object status="initiated">F6DD9161D99B1069B6B6CC8037E9504AB7A00974A4BD0CDC4634C3EA57857F6A:50393916-d21d-b211-a829-e404ce518192:1395854429</object>

</items> </drweb-avdesk-api>

Description of XML Response Parameters

The <items /> element contains information on all objects from the Quarantine for which deletion was requested.

The <object /> element contains information on a specific Quarantine object.

The <object /> element attributes:




Operation execution state:

initiated—operation initiated,

failed—operation failed.

The <object /> element value contains the information on a deleting object similarly to the information that is passed in the object argument in the initial request.

JSON Response Structure

{   "head": {

      "status": true,

      "timestamp": 1395903438,

      "api": {

          "version": 40103


      "server": {

          "name": "",

          "version": 1000201707130,

          "uuid": "1023dcd7-d11d-b211-896d-8804c0842edb"


  "data": {

      "F626C7CDE008280A2893C1DFB16707890E089AFD264002DEECD8E86417C327C1:50393916-d21d-b211-a829-e404ce518192:1395854429": "initiated",


Description of JSON Response Parameters

The data block contains information about all objects from the Quarantine for which deletion was requested.

The data block elements:

Field name


Corresponds to the object parameter from the initial request

Operation execution state:

initiated—operation initiated,

failed—operation failed.