3.2. Stations Handling

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Added scripts

list-by-state.ds—get stations list by a state;

state.ds—get state of a specified station;

states.ds—get states of stations;

start_scanner.ds—remote launch of stations scanning;

update-components.ds—update components by stations;

reboot.ds—reboot station;

newbies-info.ds—get newbies information;

components.ds—get installing components list;

installed-components.ds—get installed components list;

running-components.ds—get running components list;

modules.ds—get modules list;

bases.ds—get virus databases list;

list-by-user-id.ds—get stations list of a specified user;

geo.ds—get stations location data;

restore.ds—restore a station;

quarantine-objects—get the Quarantine state.

Removed scripts

history.ds—station history.

Changed scripts

Get station information—stations/info.ds

In the older versions, to get the extra information about the station, it was necessary to send the extra-info parameter with the yes value. In the current version, the response always contains this information.

In the current API version, the information about deleted stations is available. When requesting the information about deleted station, deletion time and general information are returned and several usual elements are removed (see Changes in XML response).

Changes in request parameters:

key parameter is changed to keys (because station license keys can be numerous now);

extra-info parameter is removed.

Changes in XML response:

The following elements are added: <email />, <user-id />.

url element, deprecated in the last API version, is removed. Station can have numerous installation files, information about available installation files is provided in the <packages /> element.

<keys /> element is added.

<key /> element is removed.

For deleted stations, the following elements are removed from the response: <os />, <running-components />, <installed-components />, <components />, <bases />, <packages/>, <connection />, <public_key />, <rights />, <modules />, <group-membership />, <config />; <stations /> element does not have grace-period attribute.

For deleted stations, the deleted attribute is added to the <station /> element.

Create a new station—stations/add.ds

When creating a station, response contains only the identifier of a created station. In XML API 3.x, response contained all the information about a created station (same information as the stations/info.ds script returns).

Changes in request parameters:

The following parameters are added: email, acl-allow, acl-disallow, acl-priority, user-id.

Changes in XML response:

Only the identifier of a created station is returned:

<station id="station_id"/>

Delete a station—stations/delete.ds

Response contains only the identifier of a deleted station In XML API 3.x, response contained all the information about a deleted station (same information as the stations/info.ds script returns). To view the information about deleted stations, use the stations/info.ds script.

Changes in XML response:

Only the identifier of a deleted station is returned:

<station id="station_id"/>

Change station parameters—stations/change.ds

Response contains only the identifier of a changed station In XML API 3.x, response contained all the information about a changed station (same information as the stations/info.ds script returns).

Changes in request parameters:

The following parameters are added: email, add-acl-allow, add-acl-disallow, delete-acl-allow, delete-acl-disallow, acl-priority, user-id.

Changes in XML response:

Only the identifier of a changed station is returned:

<station id="station_id"/>

Send message to a station—stations/send-message.ds

Changes in request parameters:

The logo-transparency parameter is removed.