3.4. Server Handling

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Added scripts

search.ds—search for stations and groups;

summary.ds—Server summary statistics;

keys.ds—get information about license keys;

public-key.ds—get Server encryption public keys.

Removed scripts

key-info.ds—key information.

Changed scripts

Server information—server/info.ds

The information about the Server physical parameters (total system memory size, free memory size, free disk space) is added to the response.

Changes in XML response:

The <api_version /> element is added;

The <memory /> element is added;

The <file-system /> element is removed;

The <branch /> element is removed.

Repository status—server/repositories-state.ds

Changes in XML response:

The total attribute is added to the <repositories /> element;

The following attributes of the <repository /> element are removed: rev_date, rev_id, state;

The following attributes of the <repository /> element are added: modified_time, revision, size, files.