3.3. Groups Handling

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Added scripts

start_scanner.ds—remote launch of scanning on stations of a group;

update-components.ds—update components on stations of a group;

reboot.ds—reboot stations of a group;

stations_list.ds—get the list of stations of a groups;

quarantine-objects.ds—get the Quarantine state;

geo.ds—get location data of stations of a group.

Changed scripts

Change group information—groups/info.ds

Packages lists for group installation are added to the response. The response does not contain a list of all child groups and stations, having a number of all child groups and stations instead. To get the list of child groups, send a groups/list.ds request with the parent-group parameter. To get the list of stations, use a groups/stations-list.ds request.

Changes in request parameters:

The keys parameter is added;

The child-groups, admins, key, stations parameters are removed.

Changes in XML response:

The <packages />, <keys /> elements are added;

The <key /> elementis removed;

The <administrators /> and <components /> elements are removed (the <components /> element is useless for AV-Desk user groups);

The <child-groups /> and <stations /> elements are changed: now they contain information on the group number instead of the list of all groups.

Get groups list—groups/list.ds

Script logic is changed. In the previous versions, the response contained the list of all groups regardless of its hierarchy. Now it contains only the root groups. The script can also return nested groups of a specified group. For that, add the parent-group parameter to the request.

Changes in request parameters:

The parent-group parameter is added.

Changes in XML response:

Outdated parent_id and parent_name attributes are removed from the <group /> element;

The stations attribute of the <group /> element contains the number of all stations including nested groups.

Add a new group—groups/add.ds

When adding a new group, the response contains only the identifier of an added group. In the XML API 3.x version, it contained all the information about an added group  (same information as the groups/info.ds script returns).

Changes in XML response:

The response contains only the identifier of an added group.

<group id="group_id"/>

Delete group—groups/delete.ds

The response contains only the identifier of a deleted group. In the XML API 3.x version, it contained all the information about a deleted group  (same information as the groups/info.ds script returns).

Changes in XML response:

The response contains only the identifier of a deleted group.

<group id="group_id"/>

Change group parameters—groups/change.ds

The response contains only the identifier of a changed group. In the XML API 3.x version, it contained all the information about a changed group (same information as the groups/info.ds script returns). To reset parent group, you can send an empty value of the parent-group parameter.

Changes in request parameters:

The parent-group parameter can contain an empty value to reset parent group (in this case, the group becomes a root group).

Changes in XML response:

The response contains only the identifier of a changed group.

<group id="group_id"/>

Send a message to stations of a group—groups/send-message.ds

Changes in request parameters:

The logo-transparency parameter is removed.

Changes in XML response:

The <groups /> element is removed;

The <stations /> element is added.