3.6. Administators Handling

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Changed scripts

Administrator information—admins/info.ds

Changes in XML response:

The following attributes of the <administrator /> element are added: external, group_id, group_name;

The following attributes of the <administrator /> element are removed: password, readonly, type, limited_rights;

The nested <groups /> element is removed.

Adding administrator—admins/add.ds

When adding a new administrator, the response contains only the identifier of an added administrator. In the XML API 3.x version, it contained all the information about an added administrator  (same information as the admins/info.ds script returns).

Changes in request parameters:

The limited-rights parameter is removed.

Changes in XML response:

The response contains only the identifier of an added administrator:

<administrator id="admin_id" />

Deleting administrator—admins/delete.ds

The response contains only the identifier of a deleted administrator. In the XML API 3.x version, it contained all the information about a deleted administrator  (same information as the admins/info.ds script returns).

Changes in XML response:

The response contains only the identifier of a deleted administrator:

<administrator id="admin_id" />

Changing administrator parameters—admins/change.ds

The response contains only the identifier of a changed administrator. In the XML API 3.x version, it contained all the information about a changed administrator  (same information as the admins/info.ds script returns).

Changes in request parameters:

The limited-rights parameter is removed.

Changes in XML response:

The response contains only the identifier of a changed administrator:

<administrator id="admin_id" />

Administrators list—admins/list.ds

Changes in XML response:

The following attributes of the <administrator /> element are removed: limited_rights, readonly, type;

The following attributes of the <administrator /> element are added: group_id, group_name.