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On this page, you can view and adjust parameters of interaction between Dr.Web and the Server as well as specify settings for the Mobile mode of Dr.Web. The provider can restrict you from adjusting the server connection parameters. If so, the buttons and check boxes are unavailable.

In the Connection to central protection server settings group, you can check Connection status and, if you have the corresponding permissions, view and adjust the server connection settings.

To configure connection to the current server or to a new one, click Change. The Server settings window opens.


You can configure connection to the central protection server only in coordination with the provider; otherwise, the computer will be disconnected from the anti-virus network.

If required, change the following parameters:

Address and Port—specify address and port of the central protection server.

Public key—specify a full path to the public key (


By default, connection to the server cannot be established if no public key is specified, but the provider can adjust settings for the workstation and allow connection without the public key.

If you are going to use an invalid public key, select the corresponding check box.

After you click Advanced, the additional parameters become available.

Station ID—specify the Dr.Web identifier assigned to your computer for registration on the server.

Password—specify the Dr.Web password used for server connection.

When you enable the Connect as a newbie mode, you can send a request to register on the central protection server or establish connection to another server having adjusted the connection parameters (Address, Port, and Public key). After the registration is confirmed on the server, Dr.Web receives settings from the provider.

After you finish adjusting the settings, close the Server settings window by clicking ОК. To close the window without saving the changes, click Cancel.

In the Advanced settings group, you can select the following options:

Accept jobs from the server for checking your computer—periodically receive tasks from the central protection server.

Accept updates from the server—receive updates for Dr.Web components and virus databases. Update settings are set on the server.

Synchronize system time with server time—synchronize system time on your computer with the time on the central protection server. In this mode, Dr.Web periodically sets the time on you computer in accordance with the server time.

Accumulate events—save the event data for sending it to the central protection server. The event data will be sent as soon as connection to the server is established. If the check box is not selected and connection to the server is not established, important data (for example, information on detected threats and statistics) will be lost.

Use Mobile mode when there is no connection with the server—keep virus databases up to date.

If your computer is disconnected from the central protection server for a long time, it is recommended to enable the Mobile mode of Dr.Web operation in order to receive updates from Doctor Web update servers. For that purpose, enable the Use Mobile mode when there is no connection with the server option.


The Use Mobile mode when there is no connection with the server option can be enabled or disabled only if use of this mode is allowed for this workstation in the settings of the central protection server.

In the Mobile mode, Dr.Web attempts to connect to the central protection server. After three unsuccessful attempts, it performs an update of the virus databases from Doctor Web update servers. Attempts to establish server connection are performed with an interval of about one minute.

To configure Mobile mode settings, click Configure. The Mobile mode window opens.

From the Update frequency drop-down list, select the frequency of checking updates on Doctor Web update servers.


If you select manually from the Update frequency list, automatic updates are not performed.

To use proxy server, select the corresponding check box. The following fields will become active:




Specify the address of the proxy server.


Specify the port of the proxy server.


Specify the username to use when connecting to the proxy server.


Specify the password to use when connecting to the proxy server under the provided username.

Authorization type

Select an authorization type required to connect to the proxy server.

After editing, click OK to save the changes or Cancel to cancel them. To edit the proxy connection settings, click Change again.


In the Mobile mode, only virus databases are updated.


If you disable the Use Mobile mode when there is no connection with the server option before the connection to the central protection server is reestablished, the virus databases will stop updating, but searching for the server will be continued.

All changes specified for the workstation on the server take effect only after the Mobile mode is disabled and connection between Dr.Web and the central protection server is reestablished.