Removing the Universal Package

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Dr.Web for Linux that was installed from the universal package for UNIX systems can be uninstalled either via the application menu of the desktop environment or via the command line.

Note that the removal tool deletes not only Dr.Web for Linux, but also all the other Dr.Web products installed on your computer.


If any other Dr.Web products are installed on your computer, besides Dr.Web for Linux, then, to delete only Dr.Web for Linux, use the custom components installation and removal procedure, instead of running the automatic removal tool.

Removing program via application menu

On the application menu, click the Dr.Web item and select Remove Dr.Web components. The removal tool for graphical interface will be started.

Removing the Product via the Command Line

To remove Anti-virus, run the script, which resides in the /opt/ directory, using the following command:

# /opt/

Then a removal tool will be run (either in graphical or command-line mode, depending on the environment).

To run the removal tool directly from the command line, use the following command:

# /opt/

Removal of Dr.Web for Linux is described in the following sections:

Removing in Graphical Mode

Removing from Command Line

You can also start the removal tool in silent mode by executing the command

# /opt/ --non-interactive

In this case, the removal tool is run in silent mode and operates without the user interface (including program dialogs for command-line mode). Note that root privileges are required to start the removal tool in silent mode. To elevate the privileges, you can use the su and sudo commands.