Custom Component Installation and Removal

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If necessary, you can choose to install or remove only certain product components by installing or removing the respective packages. Custom component installation or removal should be performed the same way the product was installed.

To reinstall a component, you can remove it first and then install again.

1. Installation and removal of product components installed from repository

If your product is installed from repository, for custom component installation or removal use the respective command of the package manager, used in your OS. For example:

1.To delete SpIDer Gate (package drweb-gated) from the product installed on OS CentOS, use the command:

# yum remove drweb-gated

2.To add SpIDer Gate (package drweb-gated) to the product installed on OS Ubuntu Linux, use the command:

# apt-get install drweb-gated

If necessary, use a help file of the package manager used in your OS.

2. Installation and removal of product components installed from the universal package

If the product is installed from the universal package and you want to additionally install or reinstall a package of a component, you will need an installation file (with the .run extension), from which the product was installed. In case you did not save this file, download it from the Doctor Web’s official website.

Unpacking the Installation File

When you launch the .run file, you can also specify the following command-line parameters:

--noexec—unpack the product’s installation files instead of starting the installation process. The files will be placed to the directory that is specified in the TMPDIR environment variable (usually, /tmp).

--keep—do not delete the product installation files and the installation log automatically after the installation completes.

--target <directory>—unpack the product’s installation files to the specified directory.

For a full list of command-line parameters that can be specified for an installation file, type the following command:

$ ./<file_name>.run --help

For a custom installation, you need to use the unpacked installation files. If there is no directory containing these files, you should first unpack them. To do that, enter the following command:

$ ./<file_name>.run --noexec --target <directory>

After the command is executed, a nested directory named <file_name> will appear in the directory <directory>.

Custom Installation of the Components

Installation RUN file contains packages of all components of Dr.Web for Linux (in the RPM format) and supporting files. Package files of each component have the following structure:


where <version> is a string that contains the version and time of the product’s release, and <platfrom> is a platform for which the product is intended. Names of all the packages containing the components of Dr.Web for Linux start with the "drweb" prefix.

Package manager is enabled for the installation of packages to the installation kit. For the custom installation, you should use a service script To do that, first, you need to unpack the contents of the installation package to a directory.

To install packages, superuser permissions are required (i.e. privileges of the root user). To elevate your privileges, use the su command for changing the current user or the su command to execute the specified command with the privileges of another user.

To start installation or reinstallation of a component package, go to the directory which contains the unpacked installation kit, and execute the following command via the console (or via a console emulator—terminal for the graphics mode):

# ./scripts/ <package_name>

For example:

# ./scripts/ drweb-gated

If it is necessary to start the full product installation, launch the automatic installation script. To do that, use the following command:

$ ./

Besides that, you can install all product packages (to install the missing or accidentally deleted components as well) by launching the installation of the root meta-package of the product:

# ./scripts/ drweb-workstations

Custom Removal of the Components

For the custom removal of a component, use the appropriate removal command of the package manager of your OS if your OS uses the RPM format of packages:

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS, use the command yum remove <package_name>

For Fedora, use the command yum remove <package_name> or dnf remove <package_name>

For SUSE Linux, use the command zypper remove <package_name>

For Mageia, OpenMandriva Lx use the command urpme <package_name>

For Alt Linux and PCLinuxOS, use the command apt-get remove <package_name>.

For example (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux):

# yum remove drweb-gated

If your OS uses DEB packages, for the custom removal you should use the package manager zypper, which is automatically installed within the product installation. To do that, go to the directory /opt/ and execute the following command:

# ./zypper rm <package_name>

For example:

# ./zypper rm drweb-gated

If it is necessary to start the full product removal, launch the automatic removal script. To do that, use the following command:

# ./

To reinstall a component, you can remove it first and then install by launching the custom or full installation from the installation kit.