Installing Dr.Web for Linux

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To install Dr.Web for Linux, do one of the following:

1.Download the installation file with the universal package for UNIX systems from the Doctor Web official website. The package is supplied with installers (both graphical and console) started depending on the environment.

2.Download the native packages from the corresponding package repository of Doctor Web.

After the installation of Dr.Web for Linux is performed using one of the specified ways, you need to activate the license or to install the key file, You can also connect Dr.Web for Linux to the central protection server. Anti-virus protection will be disabled unless you do that.


If a mail client runs in the system (such mail client as Mozilla Thunderbird) that uses the IMAP protocol to receive email messages, it is necessary to restart it after the anti-virus installation is complete to provide the scanning of incoming email messages.

After you installed the product by any of the mentioned means, you can remove or update it if there are fixes for its components available or if a new product versions is released. If required, you can also configure security subsystems of Linux for correct operation of the installed product. If there is a problem with functioning of any individual components, you can perform their custom installation and removal, without removing the entire installed product.