Monitoring setting of network connections

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On the SpIDer Gate tab, you can configure security policies used by SpIDer Gate upon an attempt to check sent and received mail and also to access the Internet.

Image 55. Internet access control settings

By selecting or clearing switches in the Network activity monitoring section, you can define the types of network activity that the monitor controls, if it is enabled.

Switches in the Monitoring options section define website categories with restricted access (it applies not only to attempts to access such websites via browser but also to the blocking of email messages that contain links to such websites). By selecting or clearing switches, you can respectively allow or restrict access to websites of the following categories:



URL added due to a notice from copyright owner

Websites with content that infringes copyright (according to the copyright holder of this content). Among such websites are pirated sites, file reference directories, file hosting services, and others.

Non-recommended sites

Websites with unreliable content (suspected of phishing, password theft, and so on).

Adult content

Websites with adult content


Websites that contain violent material (for example, war scenes, acts of terrorism, and so on)


Websites that contain information on weapons and explosives


Internet casinos, gambling and bookmaking websites


Websites that contain information on drug production, distribution, and use

Obscene language

Websites with obscene language


Chat websites


Websites that contain information about terrorism


Websites that offer free email registration.

Social networks

Social networking websites

Database of web resource categories is provided with Dr.Web for Linux and is updated automatically upon virus database update. Users do not have permissions to edit the database.

The same web resource can fall into several categories. If so, SpIDer Gate blocks access to it if the URL is included at least in one of the selected categories. Click on the Block other website categories label allows to display either a compact or an extended version of the list of available categories.

If you need to block access to a website which does not fall into any of these categories, add it to the user black list. If, alternatively, you need to allow access to a website which is included in any of the above mentioned categories and marked as unwanted, add it to the user white list. If necessary, you can also configure the list of applications which network connections will not be controlled by SpIDer Gate.

You can configure black and white lists of websites and applications excluded from SpIDer Gate monitoring on the Exclusions tab.

As for a special website category Websites known as infection sources, access to these websites is always disabled even if they are added to the white list.

Managing file scanning parameters

To manage parameters that SpIDer Gate uses when checking files downloaded from the Internet or sent via email messages, click the File transfer options button.

Image 56. File check settings window

In the appeared window, you can specify the categories of malicious objects to be blocked on attempt to transmit them (including email message attachments). If a check box is selected, files that fall into the corresponding category are rejected on attempt to download them or transmit via email. If the check box is cleared, files that fall into this category are allowed for downloading. You can also set the maximum time to scan downloaded files (and email messages). If the Block transferring data due to checking error check box is selected, files and email messages that were not checked due to an error are blocked and cannot be downloaded. To allow downloading of such files and email messages, clear this check box (not recommended).

If scanning of a downloaded file or a transmitted email message failed because the interval for performing this operation expired, such file or message will not be treated as unchecked and will not be blocked even if the Block transferring data due to checking error check box is selected.

To close the window and save the changes, click OK. To discard the changes and close the window, click Cancel.

To change the SpIDer Gate settings, the application must operate with elevated permissions. Refer to Managing application privileges section.