Black and white lists of websites

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You can manage black and white lists of web sites in the List Management window. To open it, click the Websites button on the Exclusions tab.

In this window you may list the websites, access to which will be always disabled or, on the contrary, always enabled by the SpIDer Gate network connection monitor.

Image 60. Black and white list management window

As for a special website category Websites known as infection sources, access to these websites is always disabled even if they are added to the white list.

Adding and removing websites from the black and white lists

To add a website to the black or to the white list, type its domain in the edit box and click the respective button.

By clicking the Allow button, you add the required address to the white list.

By clicking the Block button, you add the required address to the black list.

Adding a domain address to the white or to the black list allows or, respectively, denies access to all resources within the domain.

To delete the website from white or black list, select it on the list and click the Delete button.

To close the window and save the changes, click OK. To discard the changes and close the window, click Cancel.