Excluding Files and Directories

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You can manage the list of files and folders to be excluded from scanning in the Files and directories window. To open it, click the Files and directories button on the Exclusions tab.

In this window, you can list paths to objects that you want to exclude from scanning by Scanner at user request and/or as scheduled and from monitoring performed by SpIDer Guard.

Image 58. Configuring file and folder exclusions

The same object can be excluded from scanning by Scanner (at request or as scheduled) and from monitoring by the file system monitor SpIDer Guard. The check box in the corresponding column indicates what group of exclusions the object is added to.

Adding and removing objects from exclusions

To add an object to the group of exclusions for Scanner or for SpIDer Guard, select the corresponding check box in the row of the object. To remove it from the list, clear the corresponding check box.

To add a new object to the list, click the  +  button below the list and select the required object in the appeared window. Moreover, you can add objects to this list by dragging them from the file manager window.

To remove the object from the list, select the corresponding line in the text and click the  –  button below the list.

To close the window and save the changes, click OK. To discard the changes and close the window, click Cancel.