Exclusion of Applications

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You can exclude application’s network connections from monitoring by SpIDer Gate network connection monitor. To do it, open the Applications window by clicking the Applications button located on the Exclusions tab.

This window allows you to list paths to the application executable files, which network connections should not be controlled by SpIDer Gate network connection monitor.

Figure 59. Configuring exclusions for network applications

Adding and removing applications from the list of exclusions

To add a new application to the list, click the  +  button below the list and select the application executable file in the appeared window. In addition, you can add applications to this list by dragging the executable files from the file manager window.

To remove the application from the list, select the corresponding line in the text and click the  –  button below the list.

To close the window and save the changes, click OK. To discard the changes and close the window, click Cancel.