Managing Application Privileges

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Some operations with Dr.Web for Linux can be performed in graphic mode only if the application has elevated privileges (administrative privileges) that correspond to the superuser (root user) permissions. Among such actions are the following:

1.Management of objects moved to the system quarantine (that is, to the non-user quarantine directory)

2.Check of files and directories of other users (in particular, of superuser)

3.Disable SpIDer Guard

4.Turning off of the SpIDer Gate network connection monitor.

5.Removal of a license key file, connection and disconnection from the central protection server

Even if the application is started by the superuser (for example, by using su or sudo commands), it is not granted elevated privileges by default.

All pages that provide for actions requiring elevated privileges contain a special button with a lock icon. The icon indicates whether or not the application has superuser privileges:

Application does not have elevated privileges. Click the icon to elevate the privileges.

Application has elevated privileges. Click the icon to lower the privileges; that is, to switch from administrative privileges to user rights.

Once you click the icon for privilege elevation, the user authentication window opens.

Figure 49. Authentication window

To grant the application administrative privileges, you need to authenticate as a user whose account is included in administrator group of Dr.Web for Linux, or as a superuser (system account root) and click OK. To cancel the privilege elevation, click Cancel. Clicking the Help button displays a short help text describing how to authenticate. To hide the text, click the Help button again.

During installation of Dr.Web for Linux, a group of users who can elevate their rights to superuser privileges (for example, sudo group) is selected as the group of administrators. If an attempt to find such a group fails, you can enter the superuser login and password (root) in the authentication window to elevate application rights.

Switching from administrative privileges to user rights does not require authentication.