Starting the Autonomous Copy

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Dr.Web for Linux supports running in a special mode—as an autonomous copy.

If you run the Dr.Web for Linux graphical interface as the autonomous copy, it will use the separate restricted suite of service components (the configuration daemon (drweb-configd) running in background, Scanner and the anti-virus engine), which will run specially for supporting operation of running autonomous copy.

Operating the Dr.Web for Linux graphical interface as the autonomous copy has the following features:

All the service components used by the autonomous copy, are running with privileges of the current user and operating with an especially generated instance of the configuration file.

All the used temporary files and UNIX sockets are created only in the directory with an unique name, which is created when the autonomous copy is launched. The unique temporary directory is created in the system directory for temporary files (path to this directory is available in the TMPDIR environment variable).

The autonomous copy does not run SpIDer Guard and SpIDer Gate. Only functions supported by the Scanner are active—file scanning and quarantine management.

All the required paths (to virus databases, anti-virus engine and executable files of the service components) are defined by default or retrieved from the special environment variables.

Number of the running autonomous copies is not restricted.

When the autonomous copy is terminated, it also terminates its own suite of the service components and deletes the temporary directory with the configuration file and UNIX sockets.