Appendix D. Known Errors

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If the occurred error is not present in this section, it is recommended that you contact technical support. Be ready to name the error code and describe steps to reproduce the issue.

Recommendations for identification of errors

For details on the place and the reason of the error, refer to the program log (by default, it is located in the /var/log/syslog file or the /var/log/messages file, depending on OS).

To identify the error, we recommend you to configure logging to a separate file and enable output of extended information to the log. For that, execute the following commands:

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.Log <path to log file>
# drweb-ctl cfset Root.DefaultLogLevel DEBUG

To return to the default logging method and verbosity level, execute the following commands:

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.Log -r
# drweb-ctl cfset Root.DefaultLogLevel -r

Errors Determined by Code

Error message

Error on monitor channel

Error code



One of the components cannot connect with the configuration daemon Dr.Web ConfigD.

Resolving the error:

1.Restart the configuration daemon by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart

2.Check whether the authentication mechanism for PAM is installed, configured and operates correctly. If not so, install and configure it (for details refer to administration guides and manuals for your OS distribution).

3.If PAM is configured correctly and restart of the configuration daemon does not help, restore program settings to the defaults.

To do it, clear the contents of the <etc_dir>/drweb.ini file (it is recommended that you make a backup of the configuration file), for example, by executing the following commands:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

Restart the configuration daemon after clearing the contents of the configuration file.

4.If it is not possible to start the configuration daemon, reinstall the drweb-configd package.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to sections Installation Procedure and Removing Product.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Operation is already in progress

Error code



Operation requested by the user is already in progress.

Resolving the error:

1.Wait until operation is finished. If necessary, repeat the required action after some time.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Operation is in pending state

Error code



An operation requested by the user is in pending state (possibly, a network connection is currently establishing or one of the program components is loading or initializing, which takes a long time).

Resolving the error:

1.Wait for the operation to start. If necessary, repeat the required action after some time.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Interrupted by user

Error code



The action is terminated by the user (possibly, it takes a long time).

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat the required action after some time.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Operation canceled

Error code



The action is cancelled (possibly, it takes a long time).

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat the required action again.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

IPC connection terminated

Error code



An interprocess communication (IPC) connection with one of the components is terminated (most likely, the component shuts down because of the user command or being idle).

Resolving the error:

1.If the operation is not finished, start it again. Otherwise, the termination is not an error.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid IPC message size

Error code



A message of invalid size is received during component inter-process communication (IPC).

Resolving the error:

1.Restart the program by executing the following command:

# service drweb-configd restart

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Error message: Invalid IPC message format.

Error code



A message of invalid format is received during component inter-process communication (IPC).

Resolving the error:

1.Restart the program by executing the following command:

# service drweb-configd restart

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Not ready

Error code



The required action cannot be performed because the necessary component or device is not initialized yet.

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat the required action after some time.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

The component is not installed.

Error code



Some function of Dr.Web for Linux is not available because the corresponding component (performing this function) is not installed in the system.

Resolving the error:

1.Install or reinstall the package with the necessary component:

drweb-filecheck, if Scanner is not installed

drweb-spider, if SpIDer Guard is not installed

drweb-gated, if SpIDer Gate is not installed

drweb-update, if Updater is not installed

2.If the error persists, or you cannot detect which component is not installed, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Unexpected IPC message

Error code



An unexpected message is received during component inter-process communication (IPC).

Resolving the error:

1.Restart the program by executing the following command:

# service drweb-configd restart

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

IPC protocol violation

Error code



Protocol violation happens during component inter-process communication (IPC).

Resolving the error:

1.Restart the program by executing the following command:

# service drweb-configd restart

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Subsystem state is unknown

Error code



It was discovered that the current state is not known for a certain subsystem that is part of this software and is needed for carrying out the requested operation.

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat the operation.

2.If the error persists, restart the program by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart

and then repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Path must be absolute

Error code



Absolute path to file or directory is required (beginning with the root directory of the file system). Relative path is used now.

Resolving the error:

1.Change the path to the file or the directory so as to make the path absolute.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Not enough memory

Error code



Not enough memory to complete the required operation (for example, an attempt to open a large file).

Resolving the error:

1.Increase size of available memory for program processes (for example, by changing the limits with the ulimit command), restart the program and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

IO error

Error code



An input/output (I/O) error occurs (for example, the drive is not initialized yet or the partition of the file system is not available anymore).

Resolving the error:

1.Check whether the required I/O device or the partition of the file system is available. If necessary, mount it and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

No such file or directory

Error code



A specified object of the file system (file or directory) is missing. Possibly, it is removed.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path. If necessary, change it and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Permission denied

Error code



There are not enough permissions to access the specified object of the file system (file or directory).

Resolving the error:

1.Check whether the path is correct and whether the component has required permissions. If it is necessary to access the object, change access permissions or elevate component permissions. Repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Not a directory

Error code



A specified object of the file system is not a directory. Enter the path to the directory.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path. Change it and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Data file corrupted

Error code



Requested data is corrupted.

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat the operation.

2.If the error persists, restart the program by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart

and then repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

File already exists

Error code



On attempt to create a file, another file with the same name is detected.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path. Change it and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Read-only file system

Error code



On attempt to create or change an object of the file system (directory, file or socket), it is detected that the file system is read-only.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path. Change it so that the path indicates the writable partition of the file system and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Network error

Error code



A network error occurs (possibly, a remote node stops responding unexpectedly or the required connection fails).

Resolving the error:

1.Check whether the network is available and network settings are correct. If necessary, change network settings and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Not a drive

Error code



An accessed input/output (I/O) device is not a drive.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the device name. Change the path so that it indicates to the drive and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Unexpected EOF

Error code



During data reading, the end of the file is reached unexpectedly.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the name of the file. If necessary, change the path so that it indicates the correct file and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

File was changed

Error code



During scanning the file, it is detected that the file was changed.

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat scanning.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Not a regular file

Error code



During accessing an object of the file system. it is detected that it is not a regular file (that is, it is a directory, socket or other object of the file system).

Resolving the error:

1.Check the name of the file. If necessary, change the path so that it indicates the regular file and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Name already in use

Error code



On attempt to create an object of the file system (directory, file or socket), another object with the same name is detected.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path. Change it and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Host is offline

Error code



A remote node is not available through the network.

Resolving the error:

1.Check whether the required node is available. If necessary, change the node address and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Resource limit reached

Error code



The limit defined for the use of a certain resource has been reached.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the availability of the required resource. If necessary, raise the limit on the use of this resource and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Different mount points

Error code



Attempt to restore a file which requires its movement between the file system directories, which belong to different mounting points.

Resolving the error:

1.Choose another path for the file restoration and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Unpacking error

Error code



Archive unpacking unsuccessful (it is possibly password protected or corrupted)

Resolving the error:

1.Make sure that file is not corrupted. If the archive is protected with password, remove the protection by entering the correct password and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Virus database corrupted

Error code



Virus databases are corrupted.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the virus database directory. Change the path, if necessary (the VirusBaseDir parameter in the [Root] section of the configuration file).

To view and correct the path, use the commands of the command-line management tool:

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root.VirusBaseDir

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Non-supported virus database version

Error code



Current virus databases are meant for earlier program version.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the virus database directory. Change the path, if necessary (the VirusBaseDir parameter in the [Root] section of the configuration file).

To view and correct the path, use the commands of the command-line management tool:

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root.VirusBaseDir

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Empty virus database

Error code



Virus databases are empty.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the virus database directory. Change the path, if necessary (the VirusBaseDir parameter in the [Root] section of the configuration file).

To view and correct the path, use the commands of the command-line management tool:

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root.VirusBaseDir

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Object cannot be cured

Error code



An attempt to apply the Cure action to an incurable object during threat neutralization.

Resolving the error:

1.Select an action that can be applied to the object and repeat the operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Non-supported virus database combination

Error code



The current virus database combination cannot be supported.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the virus database directory. Change the path, if necessary (the VirusBaseDir parameter in the [Root] section of the configuration file).

To view and correct the path, use the commands of the command-line management tool:

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root.VirusBaseDir

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Scan limit reached

Error code



When scanning an object, the specified limits have been reached (for example, the limit on the size of an unpacked file, on the nesting depth and others).

Resolving the error:

1.Change limits for scanning (in the component settings) by any of the following methods:

On the page with the component settings in the application settings window.

Use the commands

2.After changing the settings, repeat the previously attempted operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Authentication failed

Error code



Invalid user credentials are used for authentication.

Resolving the error:

1.Enter valid credentials of the user with the necessary privileges. Try to complete authentication again.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Authorization failed

Error code



A user whose credentials are used for autherization does not have enough privileges.

Resolving the error:

1.Enter valid credentials of the user with the necessary privileges. Try to complete authentication again.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Access token is invalid

Error code



One of the program components provides invalid authorization token on attempt to access the operation, requiring elevated privileges.

Resolving the error:

1.Enter valid credentials of the user with the necessary privileges. Try to complete authentication again.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid argument

Error code



An invalid argument is used on attempt to run a command.

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat the required action again using valid argument.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid operation

Error code



An attempt to run an invalid command is detected.

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat the required action again using valid command.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Superuser privileges required

Error code



Only a user with root privileges can perform this action.

Resolving the error:

1.Elevate you privileges to root privileges and repeat the required action. To elevate privileges, you can use the commands su and sudo.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Not allowed in central protection mode

Error code



The required action can be performed only if the program operates in standalone mode.

Resolving the error:

1.Change product’s operation mode to standalone mode and repeat the operation.

2.To change the mode

Clear the Enable the central protection mode check box on the Mode settings page.

Or execute the command

# drweb-ctl esdisconnect

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Non-supported OS

Error code



The program does not support operating system installed on the host.

Resolving the error:

1.Install the operating system from the list mentioned in system requirements.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Feature not implemented

Error code



Required features of one of the components are not implemented in the current version of the program.

Resolving the error:

1.Restore software defaults by clearing the contents of the configuration file /etc/opt/ It is recommended to back up the file before the procedure. For example:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

2.Restart the program after clearing the contents of the configuration file by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Unknown option

Error code



The configuration file contains parameters unknown or non-supported in the current version of the program.

Resolving the error:

1.Open the /etc/opt/ file in any text editor, remove the line, containing invalid parameter. Save the file and restart the program by executing the command:

# service drweb-configd restart

2.If it does not help, restore program’s settings to the defaults.

To do this, clear the contents of the file /etc/opt/ (it is recommended to back up the configuration file), for example, by executing the following commands:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

Restart the program after clearing the contents of the configuration file.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Unknown section

Error code



The configuration file contains sections unknown or non-supported in the current version of the program.

Resolving the error:

1.Open the /etc/opt/ file in any text editor, remove the unknown section. Save the file and restart the program by executing the command:

# service drweb-configd restart

2.If it does not help, restore program’s settings to the defaults.

To do this, clear the contents of the file /etc/opt/ (it is recommended to back up the configuration file), for example, by executing the following commands:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

Restart the program after clearing the contents of the configuration file.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid option value

Error code



One of the parameters in the configuration file contains invalid value for the parameter.

Resolving the error:

1.Set the valid parameter value by any of the following methods:

On the page with the component settings in the application settings window.

Use the commands

If you do not know which value is valid for the parameter, refer to the help file of the component which uses this parameter. You may also restore parameter value to the default.

2.You may also directly edit the configuration file /etc/opt/ To do this, open the configuration file in any text editor, find the line containing invalid parameter value, set valid value, then save the file and restart the program by executing the command:

# service drweb-configd restart

3.If the previous steps do not help, restore program’s settings to the defaults.

To do this, clear the contents of the file /etc/opt/ (it is recommended to back up the configuration file), for example, by executing the following commands:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

Restart the program after clearing the contents of the configuration file.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid state

Error code



The program or one of the components is in invalid state to complete the required operation.

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat the required action after some time.

2.If the error persists, restart the program by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Only one value allowed

Error code



One of the parameters in the configuration file contains a list of values; while it is allowed to contain only a single value.

Resolving the error:

1.Set the valid parameter value by any of the following methods:

On the page with the component settings in the application settings window.

Use the commands

If you do not know which value is valid for the parameter, refer to the help file of the component which uses this parameter. You may also restore parameter value to the default.

2.You may also directly edit the configuration file /etc/opt/ To do this, open the configuration file in any text editor, find the line containing invalid parameter value, set valid value, then save the file and restart the program by executing the command:

# service drweb-configd restart

3.If the previous steps do not help, restore program’s settings to the defaults.

To do this, clear the contents of the file /etc/opt/ (it is recommended to back up the configuration file), for example, by executing the following commands:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

Restart the program after clearing the contents of the configuration file.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Tag value is invalid

Error code



One of the sections in the configuration file with a name containing a unique tag identifier has an invalid tag identifier.

Resolving the error:

1.If the error occurs on attempt to usde the command

# drweb-ctl cfset <section>.<parameter> <new value>

set valid value for the tag and save the section again.

2.If the section is saved directly in the configuration file /etc/opt/, edit the file. To do this, open the configuration file in any text editor, find the section name containing invalid tag value and set valid value for the tag. Save the file and restart the program by executing the command:

# service drweb-configd restart

3.If the previous steps do not help, restore program’s settings to the defaults.

To do this, clear the contents of the file /etc/opt/ (it is recommended to back up the configuration file), for example, by executing the following commands:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

Restart the program after clearing the contents of the configuration file.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Record not found

Error code



On attempt to access a threat record, it is found out that the record is missing (possibly, another program component processed the threat).

Resolving the error:

1.Update the threat list after some time.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Record is in process now

Error code



On attempt to access a threat record, it is found out that another program component is processing the record now.

Resolving the error:

1.Update the threat list after some time.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

File has already been quarantined

Error code



On attempt to move the file with the detected threat to quarantine, it is found out that the file is already in quarantine (most likely, another program component processed the threat).

Resolving the error:

1.Update the threat list after some time.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Cannot backup before update.

Error code



Prior to downloading the updates from the updates server, an attempt to make a backup copy of the files to be updated failed.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the directory that stores backup copies of the files that are updated. Change the path, if necessary (theBackupDir parameter in the [Update] section of the configuration file).

In order to view and correct the path, you may use the commands of the command line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Update.BackupDir

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Update.BackupDir <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Update.BackupDir -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

3.If the error persists, check whether the user under whose account the Update component is running has a write permission to the directory specified in the BackupDir. The name of this user is specified in theRunAsUserparameter. If necessary, change the user name specified in the RunAsUserparameter or grant the missing permissions in the directory’s properties.

4.If the error persists, reinstall the drweb-update package.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to sections Installation Procedure and Removing Product.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid DRL file

Error code



An integrity violation of one of the files with the list of update servers is detected.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the file with the list of servers. Change the path, if necessary (parameters with *DrlPath names in the [Update] section of the configuration file). To do that, use commands of the command line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the command (<*DrlPath> should be changed for a name of the parameter. If you do not know the parameter name, review values of all parameters in the section omitting the part specified in square brackets):

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Update[.<*DrlPath>]

To set new parameter value, execute the command (<*DrlPath> should be changed for a name of the parameter):

# drweb-ctl cfset Update.<*DrlPath> <new path>

To restore parameter value to the default, execute the command (<*DrlPath> should be changed for a name of the parameter)

# drweb-ctl cfset Update.<*DrlPath> -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

3.If the error persists, install drweb-bases and drweb-dws components (packages) separately and then start an update.

4.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid LST file

Error code



An integrity violation of the file containing the list of updated virus databases is detected.

Resolving the error:

1.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

2.If the error persists, reinstall the drweb-update package.

3.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid compressed file

Error code



An integrity violation of the downloaded file containing updates is detected.

Resolving the error:

1.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Proxy authentication error

Error code



The program fails to connect to update servers using the proxy server specified in the settings.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the parameters used to connect to a proxy server (they are set in the Proxy parameter in the [Update] section of the configuration file). If necessary, change the proxy server or do not use proxy for connections.

To view and set the connection parameters, go to themain settings page.

You also may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Update.Proxy

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Update.Proxy <new parameters>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Update.Proxy -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

No update servers available

Error code



The program fails to connect to any of the update servers.

Resolving the error:

1.Check whether the network is available. Change network settings, if necessary.

2.If the network access is available only via a proxy server, specify the parameters of connection to the proxy server (they are set in the Proxy parameter in the [Update] section of the configuration file). If necessary, change the proxy server or do not use proxy for connections.

To view and set the connection parameters, go to themain settings page.

You also may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Update.Proxy

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Update.Proxy <new parameters>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Update.Proxy -r

3.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid key file format

Error code



The key file format is violated.

Resolving the error:

1.Check whether you have the key file and the path to it. You can specify the path to the key file in the KeyPath parameter in the [Root]section of the configuration file.

To view the license parameters and set the path to the key file, go to the License Manager page of the main page of the application.

You also may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root.KeyPath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.KeyPath <path to file>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.KeyPath -r

2.If you do not have the key file or the used key file is corrupted, purchase and install it. For more details on the key file, purchase and installation refer to the Licensing section.

3.To install the key file, you may use the License Manager.

4.You can also view current license options in user’s webpage My Dr.Web at

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

License is expired

Error code



The used license is expired.

Resolving the error:

1.Purchase a new license and install a key file that you will receive. For more details on ways to purchase the license and installation of the key file refer to the Licensing section.

2.To install the purchased key file, you may use the License Manager.

3.You can also view current license options in user’s webpage My Dr.Web at

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Network operation timed out.

Error code




Resolving the error:

1.Check whether the network is available and network settings are correct. If necessary, change network settings and repeat the operation.

2.If an error persists during the update, additionally check parameters of the proxy server usage, and if necessary, change the used proxy server or do not use it at all.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid checksum

Error code



A checksum of the downloaded file containing updates is detected.

Resolving the error:

1.Restart the update after some time in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid demo key file

Error code



The used demo key file is invalid (for example, it was received from another computer).

Resolving the error:

1.Send a request for a new demo period for this computer or purchase a new license and install a key file that you will receive. For more details on ways to purchase the license and installation of the key file refer to the Licensing section.

2.To install the purchased key file, you may use the License Manager.

3.You can also view current license options in user’s webpage My Dr.Web at

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Key file is blocked

Error code



The used license is blocked (probably, the license agreement conditions on using the Dr.Web program are broken).

Resolving the error:

1.Purchase a new license and install a key file that you will receive. For more details on ways to purchase the license and installation of the key file refer to the Licensing section.

2.To install the purchased key file, you may use the License Manager.

3.You can also view current license options in user’s webpage My Dr.Web at

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid license

Error code



The used license is meant for other product or does not allow operation of the installed product components.

Resolving the error:

1.Purchase a new license and install a key file that you will receive. For more details on ways to purchase the license and installation of the key file refer to the Licensing section.

2.To install the purchased key file, you may use the License Manager.

3.You can also view current license options in user’s webpage My Dr.Web at

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid configuration

Error code



One of the program components cannot be in operation because of incorrect configuration settings.

Resolving the error:

1.If you do not know the name of the component which causes the error, try to determine it reviewing the log file.

2.If the error is produced by the SpIDer Guard component, most likely that the mode which is selected for the component operation is not supported by OS. Check the selected mode and change it, if necessary. You can do it by setting the value AUTO (the Mode parameter in the [LinuxSpider] sectionof the configuration file).

In order to view and correct the mode, you may use the commands of the command line management tool.

To set the value to AUTO, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset LinuxSpider.Mode AUTO

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset LinuxSpider.Mode -r

If the error persists, manually build and install the loadable kernel module for SpIDer Guard

Note that operation of SpIDer Guard and of the loadable kernel module is guaranteed only on the tested Linux distributives (see System Requirements).

3.If this error is produced by SpIDer Gate, most likely that there is a conflict with another firewall. For example, it is known that SpIDer Gate conflicts with FirewallD in Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (on every launch, FirewallD corrupts traffic routing rules indicated by SpIDer Gate). To resolve this error, restart the program by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart


# drweb-ctl reload

Note that if you allow FirewallD to operate, the noted SpIDer Gate error can repeatedly occur on every restart of FirewallD, including a restart of an OS. You can resolve this error by disabling FirewallD (refer to the manual of FirewallD included in the manual of your OS).

4.If the error is produced by another component, restore the component settings to the defaults by any of the following methods:

Use the commands

Edit the configuration file manually by deleting all parameters from the component section.

5.If the previous steps do not help, restore program’s settings to the defaults.

To do this, clear the contents of the file /etc/opt/ (it is recommended to back up the configuration file), for example, by executing the following commands:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

Restart the program after clearing the contents of the configuration file by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid executable file

Error code



One of the program components cannot run due to incorrect path or corrupted execution file contents.

Resolving the error:

1.If you do not know the name of the component which produces the error, try to determine it reviewing the log file.

2.Check the path to the executable file of the component in the program configuration file (the ExePath parameter in the component section), by executing the following command (change <component section> for the name of the corresponding section of the configuration file):

$ drweb-ctl cfshow <component section>.ExePath

3.Restore the path to the default by executing the following command (change <component section> for the name of the corresponding section of the configuration file):

# drweb-ctl cfset <component section>.ExePath -r

4.If the previous steps do not help, reinstall the package of the corresponding component.

drweb-filecheck, if the executable file of Scanner is corrupted

drweb-spider, if the executable file of SpIDer Guard is corrupted.

drweb-gated, if the executable file of SpIDer Gate is corrupted

drweb-update, if the executable file of Updater is corrupted

5.If the error persists, or you cannot detect which executable file is invalid, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to sections Installation Procedure and Removing Product.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Virus-Finding Engine is not available

Error code



The file of anti-virus engine Dr.Web Virus-Finding Engine is missing or unavailable (it is necessary for threat detection).

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the drweb32.dll anti-virus engine file. Change the path, if necessary (the CoreEnginePath parameter in the [Root] section of the configuration file).

In order to view and correct the path, you may use the commands of the command line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the command

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root.CoreEnginePath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.CoreEnginePath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.CoreEnginePath -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

3.If the path is correct and the error persists after updating virus databases, reinstall the drweb-bases package.

4.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to sections Installation Procedure and Removing Product.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

No virus databases

Error code



Virus databases are not found.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the virus database directory. Change the path, if necessary (the VirusBaseDir parameter in the [Root] section of the configuration file).

In order to view and correct the path, you may use the commands of the command line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the command

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root.VirusBaseDir

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VirusBaseDir -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

3.If the error persists, install the drweb-bases package containing virus databases and anti-virus engine executable file.

4.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Process terminated by signal

Error code



A component shuts down (possibly, because of the user command or being idle).

Resolving the error:

1.If the operation is not finished, start it again. Otherwise, the shutdown is not an error.

2.If a component shuts down constantly, restore its settings to the defaults by any of the following methods:

Use the commands

Edit the configuration file manually (by deleting all parameters from the component section).

3.If it does not help, restore program’s settings to the defaults.

To do this, clear the contents of the file /etc/opt/ (it is recommended to back up the configuration file), for example, by executing the following commands:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

Restart the program after clearing the contents of the configuration file by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Unexpected process termination

Error code



A component unexpectedly shuts down because of a failure.

Resolving the error:

1.Repeat the terminated operation.

2.If the component constantly shuts down abnormally, restore its settings to the defaults by any of the following methods:

Use the commands

Edit the configuration file manually (by deleting all parameters from the component section).

3.If it does not help, restore program’s settings to the defaults.

To do this, clear the contents of the file /etc/opt/ (it is recommended to back up the configuration file), for example, by executing the following commands:

# cp /etc/opt/ /etc/opt/
# echo "" > /etc/opt/

Restart the program after clearing the contents of the configuration file by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart

4.If the error persists after restoring program settings, reinstall the component package.

5.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Incompatible software detected

Error code



A program component cannot be in operation because an incompatible software is detected. This software interrupts correct component operation.

Resolving the error:

1.If this error is produced by SpIDer Gate, most likely that there is an incompatible software in operating system. This software generates rules for the NetFilter system firewall, which prevents SpIDer Gate from correct operation. Probably, you have Shorewall or SuseFirewall2 installed in the system (in SUSE Linux OS). The application that configure the NetFilter system firewall sometimes check the integrity of the specified rule system and rewrite it. This is the main reason of SpIDer Gate conflict with such applications.

Reconfigure incompatible software so as it does not interfere in SpIDer Gate operation. If it is not possible, disable the software so as it does not load at the operating system startup any more. You can try to configure the SuseFirewall2 application (in SUSE Linux OS), following the steps:

1)Open the configuration file of SuseFirewall2 (by default, this is the /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2 file).

2)Find the following text block:

# Type: yesno
# Install NOTRACK target for interface lo in the raw table. Doing so
# speeds up packet processing on the loopback interface. This breaks
# certain firewall setups that need to e.g. redirect outgoing
# packets via custom rules on the local machine.
# Defaults to "yes" if not set

3)Set the parameter value to “no”:


4)Restart SuseFirewall2 by executing the following command:

# rcSuSEfirewall2 restart

Note that if SuseFirewall2 does not have the FW_LO_NOTRACK option in its settings, to resolve the conflict, disable the application so that it does not load at the system startups any more (for example, it is necessary for OS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11).

5)After reconfiguring or disabling the conflict application, restart SpIDer Gate (disable it and enable again on the relevant page):

2.If the error is produced by another component, disable or reconfigure the incompatible software so as to prevent any interference with the Dr.Web for Linux operation.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Invalid VadeRetro library

Error code



A file of VadeRetro anti-spam library is missing, unavailable or corrupted (it is necessary for email scanning)

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the library file. Change the path, if necessary (the VaderetroLibPath parameter in the [Root] section of the configuration file).

In order to view and correct the path, you may use the commands of the command line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the command

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root.VaderetroLibPath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VaderetroLibPath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.VaderetroLibPath -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

3.If the path is correct and the error persists after updating virus databases, reinstall the drweb-maild package.

4.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Databases of web resource categories

Error code



Databases of web resource categories are missing.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the database of web resource categories directory. Change the path, if necessary (the DwsDir parameter in the [Root] section of the configuration file).

In order to view and correct the path, you may use the commands of the command line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the command

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Root.DwsDir

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.DwsDir <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Root.DwsDir -r

2.Update virus databases in one of the following ways:

Click Update on the update control page of the main window of the application.

Click Update in the context menu of the status indicator in the notification area.

Execute the command:

$ drweb-ctl update

3.If an error persists, install the package drweb-dws separately. This package contains databases of web resource categories.

4.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Linux kernel module for SpIDer Guard is unavailable

Error code



SpIDer Guard requires a Linux kernel module which is missing.

Resolving the error:

1.Check which operating mode of the component was selected and change it—if necessary—by setting the value to Auto (for theMode parameter in the [LinuxSpider] section of the configuration file).

In order to view and correct the mode, you may use the commands of the command line management tool.

To set the value to AUTO, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset LinuxSpider.Mode AUTO

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset LinuxSpider.Mode -r

2.If the error persists, manually build and install the loadable kernel module for SpIDer Guard

Note that operation of SpIDer Guard and of the loadable kernel module is guaranteed only on the tested Linux distributives (see System Requirements).

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

SpIDer Gate is not available

Error code



SpIDer Gate component is missing (it is necessary for scanning network connections)

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the drweb-gated executable file. Change the path, if necessary (the ExePathparameter in the [GateD]section of the configuration file).

You may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow GateD.ExePath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset GateD.ExePath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset GateD.ExePath -r

2.If the configuration does not contain settings for SpIDer Gate component or if the error persists after entering the correct path, install or reinstall the drweb-gated package.

3.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

MailD is not available

Error code



Dr.Web MailD component is missing (it is necessary for scanning email).

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the drweb-maild executable file. Change the path, if necessary (the ExePath parameter in the [MailD] section of the configuration file).

You may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow MailD.ExePath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset MailD.ExePath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset MailD.ExePath -r

2.If the configuration does not contain settings for Dr.Web MailD component or if the error persists after entering the correct path, install or reinstall the drweb-maild package.

3.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Scanning Engine is not available

Error code



Cannot check files as ScanEngine component (drweb-se) is missing or failed to start. This module is used for searching malicious objects.
Failed to start: Scanner, SpIDer Guard, SpIDer Gate (partially).

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the drweb-se executable file. Change the path, if necessary (the ExePath parameter in the [ScanEngine] section of the configuration file).

You may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow ScanEngine.ExePath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset ScanEngine.ExePath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset ScanEngine.ExePath -r

2.If the error persists after entering the correct path

Execute the command

$ drweb-ctl rawscan /

If the line Error: No valid license provided, is output, a valid key file is missing. Register the program and receive a license. After receiving the license, check whether the key file is available and install it, if necessary.

If you use 64-bit version of the operating system, make sure that 32-bit application support libraries are installed (see System Requirements) and, if necessary, install them.

To check that the 32-bit application support library is installed, use the following command:

$ dpkg -l | grep <libname>

where <libname> is name of the library (libc6-i386 or glibc.i686, depending on your system). If the command does not output any result to screen, you should install the library, using the system package manager. In other case, the library is already installed and drweb-se module unavailable due to other reasons.

After you install the library, restart Dr.Web for Linux by the following command:

# service drweb-configd restart

If your operating system uses SELinux, configure the security policy for the drweb-se module (see section Adjusting SELinux Policies).

3.If the configuration does not contain the component settings or if the steps previously mentioned do not help, install or reinstall the drweb-se package.

4.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Scanner is unavailable

Error code



Cannot check files as a Scanner component drweb-filecheck, used for this function, is missing.
Failed to start: Scanner, SpIDer Guard.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the drweb-filecheck executable file. Change the path, if necessary (the ExePath parameter in the [FileCheck] section of the configuration file).

You may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow FileCheck.ExePath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset FileCheck.ExePath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset FileCheck.ExePath -r

2.If the error persists after entering the correct path

If you use 64-bit version of the operating system, make sure that 32-bit application support libraries are installed (see System Requirements) and, if necessary, install them.

To check that the 32-bit application support library is installed, use the following command:

$ dpkg -l | grep <libname>

where <libname> is name of the library (libc6-i386 or glibc.i686, depending on your system). If the command does not output any result to screen, you should install the library, using the system package manager. In other case, the library is already installed and drweb-filecheck module unavailable due to other reasons. After you install the library, restart the product by the following command:

After you install the library, restart Dr.Web for Linux by the following command:

# service drweb-configd restart

If your operating system uses SELinux, configure the security policy for the drweb-filecheck module (see section Adjusting SELinux Policies).

3.If the configuration does not contain the component settings or if the steps previously mentioned do not help, install or reinstall the drweb-filecheck package.

4.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

ES Agent is not available

Error code



Dr.Web ES Agent component is missing (it is necessary to connect to the central protection server).

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the drweb-esagent executable file. Change the path, if necessary (the ExePath parameter in the [ESAgent]section of the configuration file).

You may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow ESAgent.ExePath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset ESAgent.ExePath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset ESAgent.ExePath -r

2.If the configuration does not contain settings for the component or if the error persists after entering the correct path, install or reinstall the drweb-esagent package.

3.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Firewall for Linux is not available

Error code



Cannot control network connections as drweb-firewall is missing or failed to start. The module is used to divert connections.
Failed to start: SpIDer Gate.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the drweb-firewall executable file. Change the path, if necessary (the ExePath parameter in the [LinuxFirewall]section of the configuration file).

You may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow LinuxFirewall.ExePath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset LinuxFirewall.ExePath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset LinuxFirewall.ExePath -r

2.If the configuration does not contain settings for Dr.Web Firewall for Linux or if the error persists after entering the correct path, install or reinstall the drweb-firewall package.

3.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Network Checker is not available

Error code



Cannot control network connections as drweb-netcheck is missing or failed to start. The module is used to check the downloaded files.
Failed to start: SpIDer Gate (partially).

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the drweb-netcheck executable file. Change the path, if necessary (the ExePath parameter in the [Netcheck] section of the configuration file).

You may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow Netcheck.ExePath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Netcheck.ExePath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset Netcheck.ExePath -r

2.If the configuration does not contain settings for the component or if the error persists after entering the correct path, install or reinstall the drweb-netcheck package.

3.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

CloudD is not available

Error code



The Dr.Web CloudD component (required to request to the Dr.Web Cloud service) is missing.

Resolving the error:

1.Check the path to the drweb-cloudd executable file. Change the path, if necessary (the ExePath parameter in the[CloudD]section section of the configuration file).

You may use the commands of the command-line management tool.

To view current parameter value, execute the following command:

$ drweb-ctl cfshow CloudD.ExePath

To set a new parameter value, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset CloudD.ExePath <new path>

To restore the parameter value to the default, execute the command

# drweb-ctl cfset CloudD.ExePath -r

2.If the configuration does not contain settings for the component or if the error persists after entering the correct path, install or reinstall the drweb-cloudd package.

3.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Error message

Unexpected error

Error code



Unexpected error occurs in operation of one of the components.

Resolving the error:

1.Try restart the program by executing the command

# service drweb-configd restart

If the error persists, contact technical support and be ready to name the error code.

Errors without codes


Main window of Dr.Web for Linux is disabled, status indicator in notification area of desktop displays an critical error mark, and drop-down menu contains only one disabled item Loading.


Dr.Web for Linux cannot start because core component drweb-configd is not available.

Resolving the error:

1.Remove Dr.Web for Linuxby entering the following command:

# service drweb-configd restart

2.If this command returns error message, or has no any effect, install drweb-configd component (package) separately.

3.Also note that this may mean, that PAM authentication is not used in the system. If so, please install and configure it.

4.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support.


1.The status indicator is not displayed in the notification area after the user logged in

2.When trying to execute the command

$ drweb-gui

opens the Dr.Web for Linux main window.


The problem could mean that necessary additional library libappindicator1 is not installed in your system.

Resolving the error:

1.Make sure that the package libappindicator1 is installed in your system by the following command:

# dpkg -l | grep libappindicator1

2.If the command does not output any result to screen, you should install the package, using any available system package manager. After that, log out and then log in again (log in).

3.Also note that this may mean, that PAM authentication is not used in the system. If so, please install and configure it.

4.If the previous actions do not help, remove Dr.Web for Linux and then install it again on the system.

For details on how to install and remove the product or product components, refer to Installation Procedure and Removing Dr.Web for Linux.

If the error persists, contact technical support.


1.After disabling SpIDer Gate, all network connections are broken (outgoing and, may be, incoming via SSH and FTP protocols) and cannot be re-established

2.Search through the NetFilter (iptables) rules using the following command

# iptables-save | grep "comment --comment --comment"

returns non-empty result.


This error is related to the incorrect NetFilter (iptables) operation, which version is earlier than 1.4.15. Because of this internal error, when SpIDer Gate adds the rules with a unique label (comment) to the list of rules, the rules are added incorrectly. As a result, on shutting down, SpIDer Gate cannot delete its rules of diverting connections.

Resolving the error:

1.Enable the SpIDer Gate monitor again

2.If you need that SpIDer Gate is disabled, remove the incorrect rules of NetFilter (iptables) by the following command

# iptables-save | grep -v "comment --comment --comment" | iptables-restore

Note that the iptables-save and iptables-restore commands require the superuser privileges. To elevate your privileges, you can use the su and sudo commands. Note also that this command removes all rules with the incorrect comments, for example, added by other applications that also perform routing traffic.

Additional information:

To prevent this problem, it is recommended to upgrade your OS (or, at least, only NetFilter to version 1.4.15 or later one).

You can also switch the diversion of connections towards SpIDer Gate into the Manual mode in the Dr.Web Firewall’s settings if you want to manually divert connections towards SpIDer Gate by specifying the required rules with the help of the iptables utility (this way is not recommended).

For details, refer to documentation man: drweb-firewall(1), drweb-gated(1), iptables(8).

If the error persists, contact technical support.


Double click on an icon of a file or a catalog runs the scanning in Dr.Web for Linux.


The graphical shell executed an automatic association of files or catalogs after you selected the action Scan in Dr.Web for Linux.

Resolving the error:

1.Cancel the association between files of one type and Dr.Web for Linux. The associations are registered in the file mimeapps.list or in defaults.list. Files with local settings which were changed in a user profile are stored in the directory ~/.local/share/applications/ or ~/.config/ (these directories are usually appended with the attribute “hidden”).

2.Open the file mimeapps.list or defaults.list with any text editor (note that to edit the files, superuser privileges are required. If necessary, use the command su or sudo).

3.In the file, find the section [Default Applications] and association strings that look as <MIME-type>=drweb-gui.desktop. For example,

[Default Applications]

4.If the right part (of the equality) of the association string contains links to other applications except drweb-gui.desktop, remove only the following link from the line: drweb-gui.desktop. If the association is contains link only to the application drweb-gui only, remove the whole association line.

5.Save the changed file.

Additional information:

To check the current associations, use the utilities xdg-mime, xdg-open , and xdg-settings (included in the package xdg-utils).

To read more about thexdg utilities, refer to the documentation man: xdg-mime(1), xdg-open(1), xdg-settings(1).

If the error persists, contact technical support.