Conventions and Abbreviations

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The following conventions and symbols are used in this manual:



An important note.

Warning about possible errors and situations that should be taken into account.

Anti-virus network

A term in the position of a definition or a link to a definition.

<file name>

Fields whose placeholder names can be replaced with actual values.

Cancel, sudo

Names of GUI elements and of internal and external programs.


Names of keys on the keyboard.


Names of files and directories, code snippets and code examples, input to the command line and application output.

Command-line commands, which are entered via a keyboard (in the terminal or terminal emulator), are marked with the command prompt character $ or # in the current manual. The character indicates the privileges required for execution of the specified command. According to the standard convention for UNIX-based systems

$—indicates that the command can be executed with user rights.

#—indicates that the command can be executed with superuser (usually root) privileges. To elevate the privileges, use su and sudo commands.

Cross references to topics and hyperlinks to external resources.