Working with Dr.Web for Linux

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You can work with Dr.Web for Linux in any of the following ways:

Via the graphical interface (in graphical mode)

From the command line of the operating system, including terminal emulators for graphical mode

To start Dr.Web for Linux in graphic mode, select the Dr.Web for Linux item on the Applications or enter the following command in the operating system command line:

$ drweb-gui

In this case, if the desktop environment is available, Dr.Web for Linux is started in graphic mode. To run file scanning at start the graphical interface or to start an autonomous copy of the interface, you can use this command with parameters.

For details on managing the Dr.Web for Linux operation, refer to Working from Command Line.

For the graphic desktop environments, Dr.Web for Linux allows you to start the scan from the task bar (such as Unity Launcher in Ubuntu OS) and from the graphic file manager (such as Nautilus). Moreover, the application status indicator appears in the notification area of the desktop and provides access to the application menu or displays pop-up notifications. The indicator, as well as all other service components, starts automatically and its operation does not require user intervention. For details, refer to Integration with Desktop Environment.

Regardless of the selected way to install Dr.Web for Linux, after the installation completes, you need either to activate the license, or install the key file if already obtained, or connect Dr.Web for Linux to the central protection server (see Licensing). Until you do that, anti-virus protection is disabled.


Note that the IMAP mail protocol that is mostly used by mail clients (such as Mozilla Thunderbird) to receive email messages from the mail server works in sessions. Therefore after changing operation of the SpIDer Gate monitor (enabling of the previously disabled monitor, change of the scanning mode of secured connections), it is necessary to restart the mail client, so SpIDer Gate can scan incoming email messages after changing its operation mode.