Neutralizing Threats on Android TV

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Viewing the list of detected threats

If SpIDer Guard detects a threat, it will show a notification with a name of the detected threat. Select this notification to open the list of threats and apply an action to them.

When scanning your device by Dr.Web Scanner, the list of the detected threats opens automatically after the scan is finished. The list of threats can be closed only when you apply an action to every threat.

For each threat in the list, the following information is displayed:

Name of the threat.

Path to the file containing the threat.

If the detected threat is not a virus (which still could be potentially harmful for your device), Dr.Web will add a clarification in brackets: adware, riskware, joke or hacktool program.

Neutralizing threats

Select a threat in the list and apply one of the following actions:

Delete – to delete the threat from your device.

Move to quarantine – to isolate the threat in the quarantine folder.


If the threat is detected in an installed application, it cannot be moved to quarantine. In this case, the Move to quarantine option will not be available.

Ignore – to temporary ignore the threat with no action applied.

Report false positive – to send the threat to Doctor Web anti-virus laboratory to report that it is not harmful and was identified by the anti-virus as dangerous by mistake. Enter your email to receive the results of the file analysis and tap Send.


The Report false positive action is available for threat modifications with the ".origin" postfix and for threats detected in the device system area.