Dr.Web Firewall Log on Android TV

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To open the list of all the events related to Dr.Web Firewall operation, open the menu and tap Log on any tab of the firewall configuration screen.

Viewing the log

To simplify searching the information when viewing the event log, use the sorting and fast scrolling (by moving a special graphical element in the right part of the screen) functions. To sort the records in the log, select the sorting criterion in the menu on the log screen.

You can review the following information for each event in the log:

Connection date and time (for TCP) or the time required to receive the packets with the corresponding traffic amount (for UDP). For example, 18/02/2014 2:07:11 - 18/02/2014 2:07:12.

Local address and port. For example, src:

Incoming and outgoing traffic (in bytes) or the number of blocked packets. For example, in:103 out:112 or blocked packets:1;

ID of the application related to the traffic on the device (User ID). For example, uid=10071;

Network congestions are the special situations, when the client application struggles to unload all data from the TCP buffer, that results in "clogging", so the data transfer speed significantly decreases.

Clearing the log

1.On any tab of the firewall configuration screen, open the menu and tap Clear.

2.In the next window, select the Clear log check box. Tap OK.

Log file size

By default, the maximum size for the log file is set to 5 MB. To change the maximum size for the log:

1.On any tab of the firewall configuration screen, open the menu and tap Clear.

2.In the next screen, enter a new value in the Maximum log size field. Tap OK.