Internet Traffic Statistics on Android TV

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On the application (group of applications) traffic screen, you can review the statistics of Internet traffic used by this application shown as a graph (see Figure 35).


Figure 35. Application traffic statistics

The outgoing application traffic is marked with orange on the graph, the incoming traffic is marked with blue. The numeric values of the amount of spent traffic (total, incoming and outgoing) are shown under the graph.

When reviewing the Internet traffic statistics, you can perform the following actions:

In the drop list above the graph, you can select the period of time over which you want to view the statistics. You can review the statistics for the current day, last week, current month, previous month or specify any other period manually.

Configure showing the statistics for the hours, days or months within the selected period.

Clearing statistics

To clear statistics for all applications:

1.On any tab of the firewall configuration screen, open the menu and tap Clear.

2.In the next window, select the Clear statistics check box and tap OK.

To clear statistics for a specific application:

1.On the Applications tab, select the application to delete the statistics for.

2.On the application information screen, open the menu and tap Clear.

3.In the next screen, select the Clear statistics for this app check box and tap OK.