Connection Rules on Android TV

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On the application (group of applications) traffic screen, you can set up the rules for connections of this application to certain IP addresses and ports.

Creating a rule

1.To create a new rule, tap Add rule in the Rules for IP addresses and ports section. You can add allowing or blocking rules depending on the selected option:

Block connections from the list – to add a blocking rule.

Allow only the connections from the list – to add an allowing rule.

2.In the next window, in the Server address field, enter a valid IP address (in the a.b.c.d format), an IP addresses range (in the a1.b1.c1.d1-a2.b2.c2.d2 format) or a network (in the a.b.c.0/n format, where “n” is a number from 1 to 32) or leave this field blank (in this case entering a port number is obligatory). Enter the valid port in the Port field or leave it blank (in this case entering the IP address is obligatory). If you leave one of the fields blank, the rule will be valid for all the IP addresses or ports respectively. Tap OK to save the rule.

If you have selected the Allow only the connections from the list option, but have added no addresses to the list, the application will block all connections.

3.To edit an existing rule, tap and hold it, then tap Edit.

You can also add allowing and blocking rules viewing the applications logs or the list of current Internet connections.

Deleting connection rules

To delete a rule, tap and hold it, then tap Delete.

To clear all rules for a certain application:

1.Select this application from the list (see Figure 34).

2.In the application menu, select Clear.

3.In the opened window, select the Clear rules for this app check box. Tap OK.

To clear all rules for all applications:

1.On the applications screen (see Figure 34), open the application menu and select Clear.

2.In the opened window, select the Clear rules for apps check box. Select OK.

Incoming connections

The Allow incoming connections check box on the traffic information allows you to exclude incoming connections from firewall check. The information on the connections from any external addresses with the port opened by the application is only partially added to the application log and firewall statistics. Connections with these addresses may be excluded from firewall check for other applications as well. This mode is not considered safe and should not be used.

Allowing the incoming connections is useful in case the firewall cannot be disabled by other means, for example, when a server receiving connections from external networks is configured on the device.