Application Logs on Android TV

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To view the list of events related to network connections of a certain application installed on your device, open the Applications tab and tap a necessary application. On the Application settings screen, open a menu in the top right-hand corner and select Application log.

Viewing application log

All events related to the application are grouped by date. To open the list of events for a certain date, tap it in the list. You can review the following information for each event:

Connection time (for TCP connections) or the time required to receive the packets with the corresponding traffic amount (for UDP connections).

Local address and port.

Incoming and outgoing traffic or the number of blocked packets.

You can create allowing or blocking rules for connections from the application log. Tap and hold the connection in the list, then tap an option:

Add allowing rule – to create a rule allowing connections from the specified IP address and port for the selected application.

Add blocking rule – to create a rule blocking all the connections from the specified IP address and port for the selected application.

Clearing application log

1.On the application information screen, open the menu and tap Clear.

2.In the next screen, select the Clear log for this app check box. Tap OK.

Disabling logging for applications

1.On the application information screen, open the menu and tap Clear.

2.In the next window, select the Disable logging for this app check box. Tap OK.