Notification Bar

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Dr.Web notification bar (see Figure 10) provides quick access to the application’s main features and detected threats.


Notification bar is unavailable on Android TV devices.

You can enable/disable Dr.Web notification bar using the Notification Bar option on the General Settings section (see General settings section).

If the application detects threats, the notif_monitor_threats sign appears on the notification bar.


If your device does not support SIM cards, the notification bar will contain the Downloads option instead of the Profile option. The Downloads option allows you to scan downloaded files.


If Dr.Web operates in the central protection mode and you do not have permissions to change call and SMS filter and/or URL filter settings, Profile and/or URL Filter options will be unavailable in the notification bar.

The notification bar allows you to:

Open the Dr.Web screen. To do so, tap the Dr.Web sign.

Launch express, full or custom scan by tapping Scanner.

Select the call and SMS filtering profile by tapping Profile.

Select website categories that you want to restrict access to. To do so, use URL Filter option.


Figure 10. Notification bar