Limiting Mobile Internet

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Dr.Web Firewall allows you to limit the use of mobile Internet.

1.To enable/disable the limit for mobile Internet, use the Limit mobile Internet option on the Limit tab (see Figure 24).

2.Set up the limit for mobile traffic (in megabytes or gigabytes). You can set a duration period for the limit: a day, a week or a month.

3.If necessary, specify the amount of traffic that was already used since the selected limitation period has started:

If you have selected a day as the limitation period, it begins at 00:00 of the current day.

If you have selected a week as the limitation period, it begins at 00:00 of the current day.

If you have selected a month as the limitation period, it begins at 00:00 of the first day of the current calendar month.

When the mobile Internet limit is enabled, a graph showing the amount of remaining traffic appears on the Limit tab of the firewall configuration screen. The specified limit and the countdown are shown next to the graph (see Figure 24).


Figure 24. Limiting mobile Internet


The specified mobile traffic limit may be exceeded by up to 4 KB.


You can set up notifications for reaching the mobile traffic limit. To do this, select the Notifications check box on the Limit tab.

Traffic information

If you want to see all active Internet connections and control the amount of incoming and outgoing traffic, select the Traffic information check box.