Switching to Central Protection Mode

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To start operating in the central protection mode, connect to the central protection server.

Automatic connection

If Dr.Web is installed with the installation wizard provided by the anti-virus network administrator, connection to the central protection server is established automatically. In this case, your device has to be on the same Wi-Fi network as the central protection server.

Entering parameters for connection

To connect to the central protection server, you need to specify connection parameters received from the anti-virus network administrator or from your IT-provider.

1.Make sure your device is connected to the network.

2.On the settings screen (see Figure 28), open Administration section.

If Dr.Web Anti-theft is enabled on your device, enter your Dr.Web account password.

3.Select the Dr.Web Agent check box.


If you have installed the application with the installation wizard provided by the anti-virus network administrator, the Dr.Web Agent check box is selected by default.

4.When you enable the central protection mode, the application restores parameters of your last connection. If you are connecting to the server for the first time or connection parameters are changed, enter the following parameters:

IP address of the central protection server provided by the anti-virus network administrator.

Additional authentication parameters: ID (assigned to your device for registration) and a password. These parameters are saved automatically, so it is not required to enter them again the next time you are connecting to the server. If you want to connect to the server as a newbie, open the application menu and tap Connect as a newbie.

5.Tap Connect.

Connecting using configuration file

The install.cfg file received from the anti-virus network administrator or your IT-provider contains settings to connect to the central protection server.

1.Make sure your device is connected to the network.

2.Place the install.cfg file to the root folder or any of the folders at the first nesting level of the internal device memory.

3.On the settings screen (see Figure 28), open the Administration section.

If Dr.Web Anti-theft is enabled on your device, enter Dr.Web account password to open Administration.

4.Select the Dr.Web Agent check box.

If the file is downloaded to the device, fields for entering the connection settings will be filled in automatically.


In the application installed with installation wizard provided by the anti-virus network administrator, the Dr.Web Agent check box is selected by default. As the application is installed, it starts to search the configuration file and tries to connect to the server. If the file is not found or it contains incorrect connection parameters, clear the Dr.Web Agent check box and select it again, then enter the parameters manually or use the configuration file with correct settings.

5.Tap Connect.

Resetting connection settings

1.Open the application menu on the connection settings entering screen.

2.Tap Reset connection settings.

When the settings are reset, the install.cfg file, which contains the connection parameters, will be deleted. If the other install.cfg file is present on the device, the connection parameters of this file will be used. Thus, the connection settings will be reset only when all the install.cfg files are deleted.

Connection errors

Unsupported option. The error occurs if traffic encryption and/or compression options that are not supported by Dr.Web are enabled on the server. To resolve the problem, contact your anti-virus network administrator or IT-provider.

License (subscription) has expired. To connect to the central protection server, contact your anti-virus network administrator in order to get a license or extend your Dr.Web AV-Desk subscription.

Subscription is blocked. To connect to the central protection server, contact your Dr.Web AV-Desk service provider in order to enable your subscription.

Not connected. Running Dr.Web for Android is denied on central protection server.. The error occurs if your service plan does not support the use of Dr.Web for Android, or running Dr.Web for Android is disabled by the anti-virus network administrator.