URL Filter

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URL filter controls access to websites. It lets you restrict access to unwanted Internet resources on your device. You can restrict access to specific websites or website categories.

In an attempt to open a restricted webpage, you will see a relevant notification and will not be able to access its contents.


URL filter operates in a default Android browser as well as in Google Chrome, Boat Browser, Boat Browser Mini, Yandex.Browser, Yandex.Browser Lite, Opera, Firefox, Adblock Browser, Dolphin Browser, Sputnik.

Enabling URL filter

On the application main screen, tap URL Filter.

URL Filter may request access to Android accessibility features in order to work in one of the supported browsers. Without this access, URL Filter will not be able to operate.

Website categories

Dr.Web allows you to select specific website categories with a restricted access. Open the Website categories list (see Figure 15) and select necessary categories:

Non-recommended sites;

Adult content;

If you select this option, you will enable safe search in Google, Yandex, Bing, Yahoo and Rambler. It means that adult content will be completely excluded from the search results.





Obscene language;

Online games;



Social networks;


URLs listed due to a notice from the copyright owner;



By default, URL filter restricts access to websites known as infection sources.

Black and white lists

In this section, you can configure lists of websites with restricted or permitted access. This access will not depend on other URL filter settings.

By default, black and white lists are empty. To add a website to a list:

1.In the URL filter screen, open the Black and white lists section.

2.Select a list.

3.Tap the add sign in the bottom right-hand corner.

4.Specify a website URL in any of the following formats:





5.Tap Add URL.

If you try to add a URL that is already on the opposite list, you will be prompted to move it.

Allow access only to websites from the white list

Enable this option to be able to view only those websites you have added to the White list. Access to other websites will be restricted.


Figure 15. URL filter settings screen


In the central protection mode, URL filter settings can be modified and blocked for compliance with the company security policy or according to the list of purchased services.