Black List

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Black list is a list of phone numbers you do not want to receive calls and SMS messages from. Calls and messages from blacklisted numbers are blocked if the Black List filtering mode is enabled as well as if any user profile is selected.

Calls and SMS are accepted from black list numbers if:

These numbers are included into the user profile list and the Allow only contacts from the list action is selected for them.

The Accept all mode is enabled.

Creating a black list

To create a black list:

1.Tap Call and SMS Filter on the application main screen, then select Configure….

2.On the Black List tab, tap the add sign.

To configure a black list you can use:

contact list;

call and SMS logs;

manual entry of numbers and contact details;


You can add numbers one by one or add several numbers at once.

3.To add selected numbers to the list, tap Add contact.

4.To block SMS messages by keywords, select the Keyword option. Enter a keyword and tap Save.

The application will check all incoming text messages for the word or phrase you have added. If you want the application to block messages by words that may not stand next to each other, add them one by one.

Editing a black list contact

For all contacts from the black list, the application blocks calls and SMS messages by default. You can change this configuration if necessary. You can also edit contact name or phone number.

To edit a contact:

1.Open the Black List tab and tap a contact you want to edit.

2.In the dialog box, make necessary changes and tap Save.

Clearing black list

To delete a number from black list, swipe it to the left.

To delete multiple numbers from the list, tap and hold one contact. After a vibration, tap other contacts you want to remove from the list. After that, tap the delete sign in the top right-hand corner.

If you have accidentally deleted a wrong contact from the list, you can restore it by tapping Cancel.

To delete all contacts from the black list, open the Black List tab, then open the menu in the top right-hand corner and select Clear the list.