Chapter 6: Updating Dr.Web AV-Desk Software and Its Components

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Before updating Dr.Web AV-Desk and its components, please note the following important features:

Before updating, it is recommended to check the validity of TCP/IP protocol configuration for the Internet access. Particularly, DNS service must be enabled and properly configured.

In multiserver anti-virus network configuration, consider that interserver updates transmission is not performed between Servers of 10 version and Servers of previous versions and interserver connection is used for transmission statistics only. To provide interserver updates transmission, you must upgrade all Servers. If you need to remain Servers of previous version as a part of the anti-virus network to connect the Agents installed on operating systems which are not supported by the 10 version (see Upgrading Dr.Web Agent), when Servers of 6 versions and Servers of the 10 version must receive updates independently.

During upgrade of the Server from the 6 version to the 10 version, settings of the Sever operation via the proxy server are not saved. After the installation of the 10 version, you must specify the settings of connection via the proxy server manually (see Administration Manual, p. Proxy).

During automatic upgrade of Agents, the old version of Agent is deleted and the new version is installed.

Between the removal of an old Agent version and installing of a new version, stations will have no anti-virus protection.