Installing Dr.Web Server

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The installation of Dr.Web Server is the first step in the installation of Dr.Web AV-Desk anti-virus. Unless and until it is successfully installed, no other Dr.Web AV-Desk components can be installed.

The installation procedure of Dr.Web Server depends on Server version (for Windows OS or for UNIX system-based OS).

All parameters set during the installation can be changed later by an anti-virus network administrator.


If the Server software is already installed on your computer, see the Upgrading Dr.Web Server for Windows® OS or Upgrading Dr.Web Server for UNIX® System-Based OS sections correspondingly.

If the previously installed Server was removed before installing the Server software, contents of the repository will be deleted during installation and the new version will be installed. If the repository of the previous version by some reason was not removed, it is necessary to manually delete the contents of the repository before installing the new version of the Server and then renew the repository after installation.


The language for the Server installation folder name must match to the language, specified in language settings of Windows OS for the non-Unicode programs. In opposite case, the Server will not be installed.

The english language is an exception for the installation folder name.

Together with Dr.Web Server, Dr.Web Security Control Center is installed, which serves to manage the anti-virus network and set up the Server.

By default, Dr.Web Server will run automatically after the installation under Windows OS and must be started manually under UNIX system-based OS.

Having installed Dr.Web Server, please send the public encryption key ( to Dr.Web Company to the address