Installing Dr.Web Agent via the Group Installation Package

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To install Dr.Web Agent on protected stations via the group installation package

1.Via the Control Center, create a new user group on Dr.Web Server (detailed description of groups creation is given in the Administrator Manual, p. Creating and Deleting Groups). Also, you can use the existing group you have created before.

2.If necessary, in the License Manager assign the personal license key for the group. Otherwise, the group inherits a license key from its parent group.

3.Via the Control Center, create accounts for new stations on Dr.Web Server. At this, include new station accounts into the user group from the step 1. You can create as much stations into the user group as free licenses are available for this group.

4.In the group properties, the link for the group installation package become available. Installation packages are divided according to the tariffs: one installation package for each operating system per a tariff.

5.Send to users the link on Dr.Web Agent installation package for corresponding operating system of a computer or mobile device, if users perform Dr.Web Agent software installation directly. At this, send the same group installation package for corresponding operation system to all users.

6.Install Dr.Web Agent on a workstation.

Local installation of Dr.Web Agent  on workstations is described in the User Manual for corresponding OS.

Dr.Web Agent should be installed by a user with the administrator rights to the computer.


If anti-virus software has already been installed on a workstation, then before starting installation the installer will attempt to remove it. If the attempt fails, the user will have to uninstall the anti-virus software from his computer by himself.

7.After the Agent is installed, the Agent connects to the Server specified in the group installation package. At first connection to the Server, it is determined whether free stations are available in the user group, the group installation package of which has been used for the Agent installation. The number of free stations is defined by the number of accounts in this group, which have not expired. At each connection of a group installation package, the number of free stations is recalculated to provide the actual information.

a)If free stations are available, parameters for the authorization of the station at the Server are granted automatically. This procedure does not require any additional administrator intervention.

b)If free stations are not available in this group, the installation is terminated with corresponding notification of a user.