B4. Using the MySQL DBMS

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General Description

MySQL—cressplatform relational databases managaament system. MySQL DBMS may be used as an external DB for Dr.Web AV-Desk.

To use MySQL as an external database

1.Install the MySQL server.

2.Set up Dr.Web Server to use the respective external database. You can do this in configuration file or via Dr.Web Security Control Center: in the Dr.Web Server configuration menu, the Database tab.

If you are going to use the MySQL DB as an external database via the ODBC connection, then during installation (upgrading) of the Server, in the installer settings, disable the installation of embedded client for MySQL DBMS (in the Database support → MySQL database driver section).

Otherwise, interaction with the MySQL DB via ODBC will fail because of the libraries conflict.

Installation and Supported Versions

Dr.Web AV-Desk supports the following versions of MySQL DBMS:

MySQL—5.5.14 and later,

MariaDB—10.0, 10.1, 10.2.

After DBMS installation, before creating a new database, it is necessary to specify the following settings in the my.cnf configuration file:


default-character-set = utf8



character-set-server = utf8

collation-server = utf8_general_ci






max_allowed_packet = 64M