H6. Utility of Generation of Key Pairs and Digital Signatures

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The names and location of encryption files in the Server installation directory

\etc\drwcsd.pri—private key,

\webmin\install\drwcsd.pub—public key.

Variants of the instruction format

\bin\drwsign check [-public-key=<public>] <file>

Check the file signature using <public> as a public key of a person who signed this file.

\bin\drwsign extract [-private-key=<private>] <public>

Extract the public key from the private key file of a complex format.

\bin\drwsign genkey [<private> [<public>]]

Generate the public-private pair of keys and write them to correspondent files.

The utility version for Windows platforms (in contrast to UNIX versions) does not protect private keys from copying.

\bin\drwsign help [<instruction>]

Brief help on the program and on the command line format.

\bin\drwsign sign [-private-key=<private>] <file>

Sign the <file> file using this private key.