Appendix L. Integration of Web API and Dr.Web AV-Desk

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The Web API is described in the Web API for Dr.Web® AV-Desk manual.


Web API, when integrated to Dr.Web AV-Desk, provides functions for operation of transactions with accounts and automatisation of service users management. You can use it, for example, to create dynamic pages to receive requests from users and send them installation files.

Supported Versions

Web API of 4.0 version is current actual version.

Version 1.1 and 2.1 of Web API are outdated API versions which are used for compatibility and it is not recommended to use them further.



The HTTP(S) protocol is used to interact with Dr.Web Server. XML API accepts RESET requests and replies with the XML. To get access to the Web API, the Basic HTTP authentication is used (in compliance with RFC 2617 standard). Contrary to RFC 2617 and related standards, the HTTP(S) server does not request credentials (i.e., Dr.Web AV-Desk administrator account name and its password) from the client.