Manual Updating of Dr.Web AV-Desk Components

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Checking for Updates from GUS

To check for updates of Dr.Web AV-Desk products on the updates server

1.Select the Administration item in the main menu and click Repository state in the control menu.

2.In the opened window information about all components are listed, also last revision date and its current state is specified. Click Check for updates.

3.If the checked component is outdated, it will be updated automatically during the check. Products are updated according to the settings of the repository (read p. Administration of Dr.Web Server Repository and further).

Updating the Software

To update the software of an anti-virus station through Dr.Web Security Control Center

1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu, then click the name of the station or group in the hierarchical list.

2.In the toolbar, click Components management. In the opened submenu select the necessary forced update mode:

Update failed components instructs to reset the error state and update only those components that failed at the previous update;

Update all components instructs to force the update of all components, including those updated successfully.

After forced update of all components, reboot of a station is required. Follow the Agent instructions.