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Quarantine Content

Files can be added to the Quarantine by one of anti-virus components, e.g. Scanner.

User can rescan files in Quarantine via the Control Center or via the Quarantine Manager at the station.

To view and manage Quarantine via the Control Center

1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu, then click the name of the station or group in the hierarchical list and select Quarantine in the control menu.

2.A new window with table that contains Quarantine current state opens.

If you selected one workstation, a table in the window displays objects in Quarantine at this station.

If you selected more than one stations or one or more groups, the windows displays a set of tables with quarantined objects for each station.

Statistic on rescan of quarantined object that is given in the Information column, considers only rescans launched via the Control Center.


If a quarantined object has the not infected status, it means that after moving to Quarantine of an object that has been detected as a threat, rescan has been performed and the object marked as safe.

Restoring objects from the Quarantine can be done only manually.

3.To filter files by time when they were quarantined, set a time slot on the toolbar and click Refresh.

4.To manage files in Quarantine, set the flag for the corresponding file, group of files or for all files in the Quarantine (at the table header). On the toolbar, select one of the following actions:

—Restore the files from the Quarantine.

Use this option only if you are sure that objects are harmless.

Select one of the options from the drop-down list:

a)—Restore the original location of the file, i.e. restore the file to the folder where it had resided before it was moved to the Quarantine.

b)—Restore the file to the folder specified by the administrator.

Remove files—delete the file from the Quarantine and from the system.

Scan files—scan selected in Quarantine file one more time.

Export data about the Quarantine state to a file in one of the following formats:

Save data in CSV file,

Save data in HTML file,

Save data in XML file,

Save data in PDF file.