Grace Period

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You can set the grace period for the station during which a user will be able to use Dr.Web Anti-virus for free.

Grace period is specified once, at station creation and cannot be changed further. Grace period value is set from the tariff group settings, in which created station is included.

To set a grace period

1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu of Dr.Web Security Control Center, then click the name of a group or station in the hierarchical list.

2.Select the Grace period item in the control menu.

3.In the opened window in the Grace period field, specify the number of days during which the user will be able to use Anti-virus for free. Grace period is counted from the date of station creation.

After station is created, the grace period is set to 30 days by default.

Values from 0 to 90 are allowed.

4.After editing the grace period, click Save.