Workstation Traffic Limitations

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You can limit the network traffic bandwidth for transferring data between Server and Agents in Dr.Web AV-Desk anti-virus network. You can separately configure limitations for transferring updates and limitations for transferring data during Agent installations.

The following options to limit the data traffic are available:

1.Limit data transfer bandwidth for all workstations.

You can configure this option in the Server configuration section: select the Administration item in the main menu of the Control Center → the Dr.Web Server configuration item in the control menu → the General tab → the Updates or Installations internal tab → the Restrict updates traffic or Restrict traffic on Agent installations option correspondingly.

2.Limit update transfer bandwidth for certain stations or groups of stations personally.

You can configure this option in stations configuration section: select the Anti-virus Network item in the main menu of the Control Center → select the station or group of stations in the network hierarchical list → the Update restrictions item of the control menu → the Restrict updates traffic option.

Data traffic is limited as follows:

1.If limitation is enabled for the common rate of data transferring in the Server settings, the summary rate of transferring data from Server to all stations will not exceed the specified value. At that:

a)Not depending on the difference in bandwidth of channels between Server and stations, the transfer rate is equally distributed among all the stations.

b)If the bandwidth of a channel between Server and a station is less than the average rate for one station calculated according to the a) item, the data transferring traffic for this station is limited to the maximum bandwidth of this channel. The rest limit of the common rate, is equally distributed among the set of stations as described in the a) item.

2.If the personal limitation for data transferring rate is set for a certain station or group of stations, the rate of transferring data to this group or stations will not exceed the specified value. This limitation does not affect on other stations and data are transferred to them at the maximum rate.

3.If both common and personal limitations are set in the Server settings and in the settings of a certain station or group, when:

a)Rate of transferring data to the personally limited groups and stations will not exceed the value specified in their settings.

b)Rate of transferring data to the rest of stations is calculated as follows: the common limitation of data transferring rate, after subtraction of limitations in the a) item, is equally distributed among other workstations.

c)If the bandwidth of a channel between Server and a station, for which no personal limit is specified, is less than the average rate obtained in the b) item, the traffic for this station is limited to the maximum bandwidth of this channel. The rest rate similarly to the b) item is equally distributed among other stations, for which no personal limitations are specified.