Traffic Encryption and Compression

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Dr.Web AV-Desk anti-virus network allows encrypting the traffic between Dr.Web Server and workstations (Dr.Web Agents), between Dr.Web Servers (in multi-server anti-virus network configuration) and between Dr.Web Server the Network Installers. This mode is used to avoid leakage of user keys and also information on environment and anti-virus network users during components interaction.

Dr.Web AV-Desk anti-virus network uses reliable tools of encryption and digital signature based on the concept of pairs of public and private keys.

The encryption policy is set separately for each component of the anti-virus network, at this, settings of other components should be compatible with the settings of the Server.

As traffic between components, in particular the traffic between Dr.Web Servers, can be considerable, the anti-virus network provides for compression of this traffic. The setting of the compression policy and the compatibility of settings on different components are the same as those for encryption.

When configuring encryption and compression on the Server, please consider the features of the clients which are planning to be connected to this Server. Not all clients support traffic encryption and compression (e.g, Dr.Web Anti-virus for Android and Dr.Web Anti-virus for OS X do not support neither encryption nor compression). Such clients will not be able to connect to the Server, if the Yes value is specified for encryption and/or compression on the Server.

To set the encryption and compression policies for Dr.Web Server

1.Select the Administration item in the main menu.

2.Click Dr.Web Server configuration in the control menu.

3.On the General tab, select the necessary variant in the Encryption and Compression drop-down lists:

Yes—enables obligatory traffic encryption (or compression) with all components,

Possible—instructs to encrypt (or compress) traffic with those components those settings do not prohibit it,

No—encryption (or compression) is not supported (is set by default, if the parameter has not been modified during the Server installation).

When coordinating the settings of the encryption policy on the Server and other components (the Agent or the Network Installer), one should remember, that certain combinations are incompatible and, if selected, will result in disconnecting the corresponding component from the Server.

Table below describes what settings provide for encryption between the Server and the components (+), when the connection will be non-encrypted (–) and what combinations are incompatible (Error).

Compatibility of the encryption policy settings

Component settings

Server settings













Encryption of traffic creates a considerable load on computers those capacities are close to the minimal system requirements for the components installed on them. So, when traffic encryption is not required to provide additional security, you can disable this mode. Traffic encryption is also not recommended in big networks (more then 2000 clients).

To disable encryption mode, you should step by step switch the Server and other components to the Possible mode first, avoiding formation of incompatible Network Installer-Server and Agent-Server pairs. If you do not follow this recommendation it may result in loss of connection with the component and the necessity to reinstall it.


Using the compression mode reduces traffic, but considerably increases the computational load on computers, more than the encryption.

The Possible value in Dr.Web Agent settings means that by default the traffic will be encrypted/compressed, but it can be disabled by editing the settings of the Server without editing the settings of the Agent.