Notification Configuration

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To configure notifications on anti-virus network events

1.Select the Administration item in the main menu of the Control Center. In the opened window, select Notifications configuration in the control menu.

2.At initial setup, notifications list is empty. Click Add notification.

3.To enable notifications sending, set the switch on the left of the notifications block header to the corresponding position:

—notifications sending for this block is enabled.

—notifications of this block are not sent.

4.In this section, you can create several notifications blocks (profiles), e.g., for the different sending methods. To add one more block, click on the right of the notifications block settings. At the bottom of the page, one more notifications block will be added. Configuration of different notifications blocks as their templates texts is performed independently.

5.In the Title field, specify the name of added notifications block. This name is used, e.g. in configuration of the Statistic reports in the Server schedule. Further, to edit the header, click it and type necessary name. If you have more than one notification blocks, when you click the header text, the drop-down list with headers of existing notifications blocks will be prompted.

6.To configure notifications sending, select necessary type for notifications sending from the Notifications send method drop-down list:

Email—send notifications on email.

Push-notifications—send push notifications to Dr.Web Mobile Control Center. This option is available in the Notifications send method drop-down list only after Dr.Web Mobile Control Center has been connected to this Dr.Web Server.

SNMP—send notifications via the SNMP protocol.

Web console—send notifications for viewing in the Web console.

Windows Message—send notifications using Windows Messenger (for Servers under Windows OS only).

Settings description for each type of notifications sending is given in this section below.

7.For notifications sending, the predefined set of standard Server notifications is provided.

Description of predefined notifications and their parameters is given in the Appendices document, in p. Appendix D1. Predefined Notifications Description.

To configure concrete notification, do the following:

a)In the notifications list, set the flags next to those notifications that will be sent according to the send method of current notifications block.

b)To change notifications settings, click next to the edited notification. Notification template will be opened. If necessary, edit the text of notification to send. In the notification text you can use template variables (in braces). To add variables, use drop-down lists on the message header. When a message is being generated, the system replaces template variables with a certain text, which depends upon its current parameters. The list of available variables is given in the Appendices document, in p. Appendix D3. The Parameters of the Notification System Templates.

c)For email notifications, you are provided to add arbitrary user-defined fields in the Headers additional section, in the template editor for each notification (see step b)). Headers must be formed according to the RFC 822, RFC 2822 standards and must not match with fields defined in the email standards. Particularly, the RFC 822 standard guarantees that specification does not contain headers started with X-, thus it is recommended to set the names in the following format: Х-<header-name>. For example: X-Template-Language: English.

d)For notifications from the Station subsection, you can set the list of stations on the events on which notifications will be send. In the template editing window, in the Groups of monitored stations tree, select groups of stations to monitor events and send corresponding notifications. To select several groups, use ctrl or shift.

For the SNMP send method, notification template texts are set at the side of SNMP receiver (management station in RFC 1067 term). Via the Control Center in the Station subsection, you can specify only the list of stations on the events on which notifications will be send.

8.After editing, click Save to apply all changes specified.

Notifications on Email

For notifications on email, specify the following parameters:

Resends number—the number of retries when failed to send a message. Default is 10.

Resend time-out—period in seconds, after which the repeated attempt to send a message is performed. Default is 300 seconds.

Recipient email addresses—email addresses of notifications receivers. Only one email address of a receiver per each field. To add one more receiver field, click . To remove the field, click .

Parameters of email sending are configured in the Administration menu, in the Dr.Web Server Configuration section, on the Network tab, on the Email internal tab.


Send test message—send the test message according to the specified settings of notification system. The test message text is specified in notifications templates.

Push Notifications

For Push notifications which are sent to Mobile Control Center, specify the following parameters:

Resends number—the number of retries when failed to send a message. Default is 10.

Resend time-out—period in seconds, after which the repeated attempt to send a message is performed. Default is 300 seconds.

Send test message—send the test message according to the specified settings of notification system. The test message text is specified in notifications templates.

Notifications via the SNMP Protocol

For notifications via the SNMP protocol, specify the following parameters:

Resends number—the number of retries when failed to send a message. Default is 10.

Resend time-out—period in seconds, after which the repeated attempt to send a message is performed. Default is 300 seconds.

Receiver—entity that receives SNMP request. For example, IP address or DNS name. Only one receiver per each field. To add one more receiver field, click . To remove the field, click .

Sender—entity that sends SNMP request. For example, IP address or DNS name (must be able to be solved by DNS server).

If the sender is not set, defaults are: “localhost” for Windows and “” for UNIX.

Community—SNMP community or context. Default is public.

Send test message—send the test message according to the specified settings of notification system. The test message text is specified in notifications templates.

Notifications Displayed in the Web Console

For notifications displayed in the Web console, specify the following parameters:

Resends number—the number of retries when failed to send a message. Default is 10.

Resend time-out—period in seconds, after which the repeated attempt to send a message is performed. Default is 300 seconds.

Notification storing time—time period for storing a notification starting from its receiving. 1 day is by default. After specified period, notification is marked as outdated and deleted according to the Purge outdated messages task in the Server schedule settings.

For notifications that received by this sending method, you can specify unlimited storing time in the Web Console Notifications section.

Send test message—send the test message according to the specified settings of notification system. The test message text is specified in notifications templates.

Notifications Using Windows Messenger

Windows network message system functions only under Windows OS with Windows Messenger (Net Send) service support.

Windows Vista OS and later do not support Windows Messenger service.

For notifications in a Windows OS network, specify the following parameters:

Resends number—the number of retries when failed to send a message. Default is 10.

Resend time-out—period in seconds, after which the repeated attempt to send a message is performed. Default is 300 seconds.

Receiver—the list of names of computers to receive messages. Only one computer name per each field. To add one more receiver field, click . To remove the field, click .

Send test message—send the test message according to the specified settings of notification system. The test message text is specified in notifications templates.