Dr.Web Server Logging

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Dr.Web Server logs the events connected with its operation

The Server log is used for debugging and helps to detect problems in case of an abnormal operation of the anti-virus network.

By default, the log file named drwcsd.log and resided:

Under UNIX OS:

for Linux OS and Solaris OS: /var/opt/drwcs/log/drwcsd.log;

for FreeBSD OS: /var/drwcs/log/drwcsd.log.

Under Windows OS: in the var subfolder of the Server installation folder.

The file has the plain text format (see the Appendices document, the Appendix K. Log Files Format section).

To view the Server log via the Control Center

1.Select the Administrating item in the main menu of the Control Center.

2.In the opened window, select the Dr.Web Server log item of the control menu.

3.Window with the list of the Server logs opens. According to the rotation mode settings, the following names format of Server log files is used: <file_name>.<N>.log or <file_name>.<N>.log.gz, where <N>—sequence number: 1, 2, etc. E.g, if the log file name is drwcsd, the list of log files is the following:

drwcsd.log—current log file,

drwcsd.1.log—previous log file,

drwcsd.2.log and so on—the greater the number, the older the version of the log.

4.To manage log files, set the flag next to the necessary file or several files. To select all log files, set the flag in the header of the table. On the toolbar, the following buttons become available:

Export selected log files—save a local copy of the selected log files. It can be useful, e.g.  to view the log file content from the remote computer.

Delete selected log files—delete the selected log files without possibility to restore.

To change the mode of the Server log via the Control Center, use the Log section.


Logging Setup for UNIX

Dr.Web Servers under UNIX system-based OS supports availability of setting up the Server logging via the separate configuration file:

for Linux OS and Solaris OS: /var/opt/drwcs/etc/local.conf;

for FreeBSD OS: /var/drwcs/etc/local.conf.

The local.conf file content:

# Log level.


# Log rotation.


Parameter values correspond the values of command line switches for launching the Server:

-verbosity=<details_level>—log level of detail.

-rotate=<N><f>,<M><u>—rotation mode of Server log.

Detailed switches description is given in the Appendices document, the H4.8 section.

If the local.conf file is edited during Server operation, you must reboot the Server, so logging settings changes to take effect. Reboot must be performed by the means of operating system.

During Server update and removal, the local.conf file is backed up, what allows to manage log level of detail in packages update of the Server.