Inheriting Stations Configuration from Groups. Primary Groups

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Inheriting a Station Settings

When a new workstation is created, its configuration settings are inherited from two of the groups to which the station is included:

1.Tariff group. From the group which is set as a tariff, the station inherits license keys, grace period settings, installing components lists and permissions list.

2.Primary group. From the group which is set as a primary, the station inherits all other configuration settings.

If the settings of the primary or tariff group are modified, these changes are inherited by all workstations included into the group, unless the workstations have been customized. When creating a workstation, you can specify what group will be regarded as primary and tariff. By default the primary group is Everyone.

If Everyone is not a primary group, and a different primary group has no personal settings, the settings of the Everyone group are inherited by a new station.


It is possible to create nested groups.

Inheritance in nested groups depends on groups hierarchy. If a station have no personal settings, it inherits the configuration from a parent group, and this process repeats recursively. Therefore the search for group configuration is performed upwards through the hierarchical tree of nested groups, starting from the station primary group and till the root group. If no personal settings are selected for all nesting groups, then the Everyone group settings are inherited.


The structure of hierarchical list is the following:

The Group4 is the primary group for the Station1. To determine which settings to inherit for the Station1, the search is carried out in the following order: Station1 → Group4 → Group3 → Group2 → Group1 → Everyone.

By default the network structure is displayed in such a way as to show a station in all the groups it is included into. If you want workstations to be displayed in the network catalog in their primary groups only, on the toolbar in Settings of tree view, clear the All groups membership flag.

Setting a Primary Group

There are several ways how to set a new primary group for a workstation or a group of workstations.

To set primary group for station

1.In the main menu, select Anti-virus network, then click the name of a workstation in the hierarchical list.

2.The station properties panel opens. Also, you can open the stations properties section by selecting Properties in the control menu. In the opened window, go the Groups section.

3.If you want to reassign the other primary group, click an icon of necessary group in the Membership list. The 1 sign displays on the icon.

4.Click Save.

To set primary group for several stations

1.In the main menu, select Anti-virus network. In the hierarchical list of the opened window, click the name of workstations (you can select groups of workstations either, in such case, the action spreads on all stations in the group) for which you want to set a primary group. To select several workstations and groups, press and hold CTRL or SHIFT during mouse selection.

2.On the toolbar, click General → Set a primary group for stations. This opens the window listing the groups which can be set as primary for the selected workstations.

3.Click the name of a group to set it as primary.

You can also make a group primary for all workstations included into it. To do this, select the necessary group in the hierarchical list, and click General → Set this group as primary on the toolbar.

Setting a Tariff Group

To assign the tariff group for a workstation

1.In the main menu, select Anti-virus Network, then in the opened window, select a workstation in the hierarchical list.

2.Open the station properties section by one of the following ways:

a)Click the name of the station in the hierarchical  list of anti-virus network. A panel with properties of the station will be automatically opened in the right part of Dr.Web Security Control Center.

b)Click Properties in the control menu. A window with the station properties will be opened.

3.Go to the Groups section.

4.To set the tariff to the station according to which the anti-virus services will be provided, include the station to the corresponding tariff group. To do this, set the flag next to the tariff group name in the Tariff list. At this, station can be included into one tariff group only.

5.Click Save.