Creating and Deleting Groups

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Creating Groups

To create a new group

1.Select: Add a station or a group on the toolbar and the Create group in the submenu. A window for creating a group will be opened.

2.The Identifier field is filled automatically. You can edit it during creation, if necessary. The identifier should not contain spaces. In the sequel group identifier cannot be changed.

3.Specify the group name in the Name field.

4.In the Type drop-down list, select:

User—to create a user group,

Tariff—to create a new tariff group.

5.For nested groups, in the Parent group field, select from the drop-down list a parental group to inherit configuration from it if personal settings are not specified. For a root group (without a parent), leave this field blank to add the group to the root of the hierarchical tree. In this case settings are inherited from the Everyone group.

For new tariff group, its parental group can be a tariff group only.


6.Specify optional comment in the Description field.

7.For tariff group: in the Installing components section, set the list of components, which must, may or cannot be installed on stations of creating group (see also Setting the Anti-Virus Package Composition).

You can set the list of installed components for user tariff groups during creation only.

8.For user group: set the Group represents an organization, flag to define creating group as a representative of the organization or the company. At this, the settings block with organization requisites will be opened. Specify corresponding requisites. The set of requisites may differ depending on a country in which the organization locates.

The group can represent an organization only if its parent or child groups are not a representative of an organization.


You can define a group as an organization representative only at the group creating. You also cannot cancel this characteristic after the group has been created.

9.Click Save.

The groups you create are initially empty. Procedure of including workstations to groups is described in the Including Workstations into User Groups section.

Deleting Groups

To delete existing group

1.Select the user group in the hierarchical list of the Control Center.

2.Click General → Remove selected objects on the toolbar.

You cannot delete preinstalled groups.