Dr.Web Server

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An anti-virus network built with Dr.Web AV-Desk must have at least one Dr.Web Server.

To increase the reliability and productivity of an anti-virus network and distribute the computational load properly, Dr.Web AV-Desk anti-virus can also be used in the multiserver mode. In this case the Server software is installed on several computers.

Dr.Web Server is a memory-resident component. Dr.Web Server software is developed for various OS (see the Appendices document, p. Appendix A).

Basic Functions

Dr.Web Server performs the following tasks:

initializes of installation of the Agent software and anti-virus packages on a selected computer or a group of computers;

requests the version number of the anti-virus package and the creation dates and version numbers of the virus databases on all protected computers;

updates the content of the centralized installation folder and the updates folder;

updates virus databases and executable files of the anti-virus packages, as well as executable files of the program on protected computers.

Collecting Information on Anti-Virus Network

Communicating with Dr.Web Agents, Dr.Web Server collects and logs information on operation of the anti-virus packages. Information is logged in the general log file implemented as a database. It is recommended to use an external database in networks larger than 200-300 computers.

An embedded DB can be used, if at most 200-300 stations are connected to the Server. If the hardware configuration of the computer with Dr.Web Server and the load level of other executing tasks are permissible, up to 1000 stations can be connected.

Otherwise, you must use an external DB.

If you use an external DB and more than 10 000 stations are connected to the Server, it is recommended to perform the following minimal requirements:

3 GHz processor CPU,

RAM at least 4 GB for Dr.Web Server and at least 8 GB for the DB server,

UNIX system-based OS.

The following information is collected and stored in the general log file:

versions of the anti-virus packages on protected computers,

time and date of the software installation and update on workstations,

versions and dates of virus databases updates,

OS versions of protected computers, processor type, OS system catalogs location, etc.,

configuration and settings of anti-virus packages,

data on virus events, including names of detected viruses, detection dates, actions, results of curing, etc.

Dr.Web Server notifies the administrator on virus events occurring on protected computers by email or through the Windows OS standard broadcast notification system. You can set the alerts as described in p. Setting Alerts.

Web Server

Web server is a part of Dr.Web Security Control Center and performs the following general functions:

authentication and authorization of administrators in the Control Center;

automation of Control Center pages operation;

support for dynamically generated pages of Control Center;

support for HTTPS-protected client connections.