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To open the section of Control Center preferences, click Preferences in the main menu.

All settings of this section are valid only for the current administrator account.

The control menu located in the left pane of the window, consists of the following items:

My account.



My Account

Using this section, you can manage the current account of the administrator of the anti-virus network (see also p. Administrators and administrative groups).


Values of fields, marked with the * sign, must be obligatory specified.

You can edit the following settings, if necessary:

Login—administrator account login to access Dr.Web Security Control Center.

First name, Middle name and Last name of the administrator.

Interface language used by the administrator.

Date format, which is used by this administrator during editing settings that contain dates. The following formats are available:



Account Description.

To change the password, click New password at the toolbar.

The following parameters are read only:

Dates of creation and last modification of the account.

Status. Displays the network address of the last connection under this account.


Description of administrative rights and its editing see in the Editing Administrators section.

Click Save after you have changed all necessary parameters.


Tree Settings

Parameters of this section let you adjust the appearance of the list and they are similar to the settings, located in the Settings of tree view option of the toolbar of the Anti-virus network item of the main menu:

for groups:

All groups membership—duplicate displaying of a station in the list if a stations is a member of several groups simultaneously (only for groups under the white folder icon, see Table above). If the flag is set, the station will be shown in all member groups. If the flag is cleared, the station will be shown only once in the list.

Show hidden groups—show all groups included in the anti-virus network. If you clear the flag, all empty groups (not containing stations) will be hidden. It may be convenient to remove extra data, for example, when there are many empty groups.

for stations:

Show station ID—show station unique identifiers in the hierarchical list.

Show station names—show station names in the hierarchical list, if such are given.

You cannot disable displaying both identifiers and names of stations at the same time. One of the Show station ID and Show station names parameters will be always selected.

Show station addresses—show station IP-addresses in the hierarchical list.

Show station servers—show names or addresses of Dr.Web Servers to which stations are connected.

Show update error icon—show the marker on icon of workstations the last update of which is failed.

Show tariff—show of tariff name according to which stations are provided with anti-virus services.

for all elements:

Show personal settings icon—show the marker on icon of workstations and groups which shows whether individual settings are present.

Show descriptions—show group and station descriptions (the descriptions are set in the properties of an element).

Show the number of stations—show the number of stations for all groups of anti-virus network.

Show membership rules icon—show the marker on stations icons which are added to groups automatically according to the membership rules, also on groups icons in which stations are added automatically.

Network Scanner

The Network scanner requires Dr.Web Security Control Center Extension.

The settings of this section let you configure the default parameters of Network Scanner.

To launch the Network scanner, select Administration item in the main menu. In the control menu, select Network scanner.

Specify the following parameters of Network scanner:

1.In the Networks field specify networks in the following format:

with a hyphen (for example,

separated by a comma with a whitespace (for example,,

with a network prefix (for example,

2.Change Port and Timeout parameters, if necessary.

3.Click Save to save these parameters as default. After that, when you use the Network scanner, this parameters will be set automatically.

Time Interval

In this section, you can specify settings of time interval to display statistics data (see Viewing Workstation Statistics section):

In the Default interval for viewing reports drop-down list, specify the time interval, which is set by default at the Reports section of Dr.Web Security Control Center main menu.

In the Default interval for viewing statistics data drop-down list, specify the time interval, which is set as default for all sections of statistics data.

When you open the page for the first time, statistics will be displayed for this time interval. You can change the time interval at statistics pages directly, if necessary.

Set the Save last interval for statistics data flag, to save the interval, specified last time at statistics sections.

If the flag is set, when you open the page for the first time, statistics will be displayed for the last period, specified at the Web browser.

If the flag is cleared, when you open the page for the first time, statistics will be displayed for the period, specified in the Default interval for viewing statistics data drop-down list.


Set the Automatic authorization flag to allow automatic authorization for all Control Centers with the same administrator's login and password in the current browser.

After setting this flag, login and password specified by administrator at next logon in the Control Center, will be saved via Dr.Web Security Control Center Extension.

Automatic authorization option requires Dr.Web Security Control Center Extension.

Further, for any Control Center in this web browser, authorization will be proceeded automatically, if the user with these login and password is registered at the Server. If the login and password do not much (e.g., such user is not registered or the user with this name has the different password), the standard Dr.Web Security Control Center authorization window will be given.

After clicking Logout in the main menu of the Control Center, information about administrator's login and password is deleted.

At next logon in the Control Center, it is necessary to repeat standard authorization procedure with specifying login and password. If automatic authorization is enabled, specified login and password are saved for the current web browser and authorization in Control Center become automatic (without login and password confirmation) till next Logout clicking.

In the Session timeout drop down list, select time period after which the user session of Control Center in a web browser is automatically terminated.

PDF Export

In this section you can specify text settings for statistic data export to the PDF format:

In the Reports font drop down list, select the font, which is used at reports export to PDF format.

In the Reports font size field, specify the font size of general text of statistic tables, which is used at reports export to PDF format.


In this section you can specify view settings for statistic data in the Reports section of the Control Center:

In the Number of lines per page field, specify the maximal number of lines on one report page for paginal view of statistic.

Set the Show charts flag to show charts on statistic reports pages. If the flag is cleared, charts viewing is disabled.


In this section you can setup the subscription on Doctor Web company news.

Set the Automatic subscription to new sections flag to add new sections in the News page of Control Center automatically.