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Select the Reports item in the main menu of Dr.Web Security Control Center. This section serves to manage financial reports on using Dr.Web AV-Desk Service.

In the Reports section you can do the following:

1.Generate financial report for specified period.

2.Review financial report.

3.Send financial report to Doctor Web company.

4.Review the archive of reports.

Stations that meet all the following conditions are included in financial report:

1.Station access to the Server is not expired.

2.Station is not blocked, including temporary blocking (the access to the Server may be blocked because of temporary service suspension).

3.Grace period for the station has expired. Starting from Dr.Web AV-Desk 5.0 the grace period is specified by the provider (it was set to two month in the previous versions).

Grace period can be disabled (i.e. set to zero).

Duration of the grace period is set in the Grace period section.

Creating Financial Report

You cannot generate several reports simultaneously under the same administrator account.

To create financial report

1.Select the Reports item in the main menu of Dr.Web Security Control Center. Select the Report item in the control menu.

2.Select the reporting period at the toolbar. For this, do one of the following:

In the drop-down list, select one of the offered periods: the certain day, week, month or quarter relative to today.

In the dates fields, specify arbitrary period from and till. To do this, specify a date according to the current administrator date format or click the calendar icon and select necessary dates.

3.To create financial report, click Refresh.

If the data level is large, the report generation can take some time.

Reviewing Financial Report

Generated financial report is represented as the following interactive tables:

1.Tariff group table

General table displayed on the financial report creation. Contains the list of tariff groups tariff plans of which have been used in the reporting period is displayed.

Tariff groups table contains the following data:

Tariff—name of the tariff group.

Number of stations charged per tariff—number of stations, which used this tariff plan. Number of stations is calculated according to the conditions of including to the financial report.

2.User tables by organization

General tables displayed on the financial report creation. Contain data on the Service users in the certain organization.

User tables by organization can be differentiated on two types:

Users not included in any organization are grouped into the separate table with corresponding title.

Users included into groups that represent certain organizations are grouped into tables with the organization name in the title.

User tables by organization contain the following data:

User identifier—user unique identifier. A user is defined as the same in the Subscription Control Center. If the station is not registered by the certain user, the NULL value is specified in this field.

Tariff—name of the tariff group.

Number of stations charged per tariff—number of stations, which are registered by this user and used this tariff plan. Number of stations is calculated according to the conditions of including to the financial report.

3.User tables by groups

Auxiliary tables. Contain information on users of the certain organization, separated by groups which represent this organization. The name of the group is the tables title. Tables are opened when clicking the View more link under the user table by organization.

User tables by groups contain data similarly the user tables by organization.

4.Station tables by users

Auxiliary tables. Contain information on all the stations grouped by users by whom they are registered. Tables are opened when clicking the row corresponds the certain user in the table of organization groups. The <User identifier>/<Tariff name> is the tables title.

Station tables contain the following data:

Station identifier—unique identifier of a station (UUID).

Name—name of a station. If the name is absent, IP address is given.

Description—station description (optional).

Days—number of days, during which the tariff has been used.

Fields of stations table are links to the detailed table with data on days of using Anti-virus by this station.

5.Days tables

Auxiliary popup tables. Contain information on days, during which Anti-Virus was used at this station. Tables are opened when clicking the row of stations tables by users. Days are displayed according to the date format for current administrator.

Via these tables, you can review detailed information on using Dr.Web AV-Desk Service.

Sending Financial Report

1.Generate financial report according to the procedure, described below.

2.To send the report to the Doctor Web company, click Submit a report in the toolbar.

Proxy server settings, including for sending a report to Doctor Web, are defined in the Dr.Web Server configuration >Network > Proxy section.


When you generate financial reports, consider the following:

1.Report contains stations which were deleted during the report period and were not restored.

2.Grace period is set according to the tariff. And:

a)Grace period changing is not considered. Current grace period value is used.

b)If the tariff was deleted, grace period is not considered (grace period of the Everyone group is used).

3.If tariff group was deleted, but its record in the service table is remained, then:

a)ID of the group is specified instead of the name in the tariff groups table.

b)Grace period of the Everyone group is used.

Archive of Reports

After you sent financial report to Doctor Web company, the report is saved in the archive and can be reviewed, if necessary.

To view the archive of reports

1.Select the Reports item in the main menu of Dr.Web Security Control Center. Select the Archive of reports item in the control menu.

2.The following tables are available in the archive:

Reports sent automatically—contains financial reports which had been sent automatically via the Prepare and send fiscal report periodic task task with Execute script type in Dr.Web Server schedule (see Setting Dr.Web Server Schedule).

Reports sent manually—contains financial reports which had been sent manually by the anti-virus network administrator via the Reports section (see Sending Financial Report).

3.To view contents of particular report, click the table line of the correspondent report. The additional table with information about sent financial report will be opened.