Editing Administrative Accounts and Groups

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To edit accounts of administrators and administrative groups, you need to have the Edit administrative accounts and Edit properties and configuration of administrative groups permissions.

To edit own administrative account, you need to have the Edit own settings permission.


Fields marked with the * sign must be specified.

Editing Administrators

To edit an administrative account

1.Select the account you want to edit from the list of administrators. The properties section will be opened for editing.

2.The Main subsection contains properties that were set during account creation. Also, please note:

a)To change the password for the administrative account, click the Change password icon on the toolbar.

An administrator with corresponding permissions can change passwords of all other administrators, except the drweb-monitoring administrator password.

Login for administrative account cannot contain national characters.

b)The following properties of the administrator account are read-only:

Account creation date and its properties last change date,

Status—displays network address of the last connection under the current account.

3.In the Groups subsection, you can change an administrative group. The list contains groups to which an administrator can be assigned. The flag is set next to the current parent group of administrator. To change assigned group, set the flag next to the required group.

It is mandatory to assign a parent group to the administrator. Each administrator can be included only to the one group at a time. Permissions of administrator are inherited from the parent group.

See also the Editing membership subsection.

4.In the Permissions subsection, you can edit the list of actions that are allowed for the selected administrator.

Details on editing permissions are described in the Editing permissions subsection.

5.Click Save to apply changes.

Editing Administrative Groups

To edit an administrative group

1.Select the group you want to edit from the list of the administrators. The properties section will be opened for editing.

2.The Main subsection contains properties that were set during group creation.

3.In the Groups subsection you can change the parent administrative group. The list contains groups which can be assigned as a parental group. The flag is set next to the current parent group. To change assigned group, set the flag next to the required group.

It is mandatory to assign a parent group to the administrative group. The group inherits permissions from its parent group.

See also the Editing membership subsection.

4.In the Permissions subsection, you can edit the list of actions that are allowed for the selected administrative group.

Details on editing permissions are described in the Editing permissions subsection.

6.Click Save to apply changes.

Editing Permissions

To edit privileges of administrators and administrative groups in the properties editing section

1.To change the inheritance, click on/off in the Inheritance column of the permissions table and select the necessary value in the drop-down list.

2.The list of permissions is divided into three subsections:

permissions for managing stations/groups of stations,

permissions for managing administrators/administrative groups,

permissions with flags.

3.Permissions of the first two sections are managed in the Granted and Denied columns.

These permissions are applied according to the following rules:

Cell content

Value in column



Group name or list of the group names

Permission is allowed only for the listed groups

Permission is denied only for the listed groups


Permission is allowed for all groups

Permission is denied for all groups


Permission is not allowed for any group

Permission is not denied for any group

To edit a permission, click on a respective cell. A window with a list of groups that are affected by the permission will be opened. Select one of the two available settings from the list:

Setting name

Action on the setting specifying

For stations


Apply permission settings for all stations that are connected to the current Server.

Select certain stations

Apply permission settings only for the stations in the selected groups. To assign certain group, single-click it in the Anti-virus network list. To select multiple groups, press the CTRL or the SHIFT key.

For administrators


Apply permission settings for all administrators of the current Server.

Select certain administrators

Apply permission settings only for the administrators in the selected administrative groups. To assign certain group, single-click it in the Administrators list. To select multiple groups, press the CTRL or the SHIFT key.

4.To manage permissions from the third section, set a flag next to respective permission either in the Granted or Denied column: to correspondingly allow or deny this permission for the administrators of editing group.

5.Click Save to apply changes.

Editing Membership

There are several ways to assign a parent group for an administrator or an administrative group

1.Change administrator settings or group settings as described above.

2.Drag-and-drop administrator or administrative group from the hierarchical tree to the group you want to assign as a parent group.